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Deep in Blackface Bunker, Schaub and Turdo apply makeup beffore meeting with the Fringe, and their Destiny

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Anti poison

1 views last 24 hours

Time to Exercise your Franchise…It’s our democratic duty

1 views last 24 hours

Canada’s top soccer player has Carditis …how…nobody knows…

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Emergency Authorization Use for Fauci AIDS Kill Shot

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Ukrainian Nazis shooting Russians Genitals off…Commanders orders

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If they are in a Wheelchair you can bet they think they are protected from a nonexistent virus

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Blame Canada

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Globalists and Shoes…The Arches will fall

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See the supernatural changes in all bibles --- links


 Dragon Slayer Intel

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He lost almost everything so put him in jail

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Trudeau man goes into a hissy fit when kicked by his own party by Freelander and Candice

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Cease and Desist Mandates orders US Judge

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Residents of Ottawa…Give the Convoy Bathroom facilities…You will be paid back in spades

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I Want all their heads on a stick NOW…Awaken and put them to sleep forever

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Epsteins buddy Hanged himself with no rope, guards or cameras too

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Hay Shitface, I mean Blackface, sorry, read it and weep

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This is a Parking spot

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Presidential Hopeful cow tows to Joe

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Fraud or Freedom and the Path…The Lethal Injections…Dr Marble tells all and who to kill

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Somebody Stop Me…P.A.R.T. WHY because I Gotta…Hold on to your Lug nuts, it’s time for an Overhaul

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Alex Jones said that Biden and media is pushing how bad White people are that a false flag

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Judgement is coming…Ed Dowd says it, this guy says it, I said it.

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Europe pays $10 USD per gallon, put that in your tail pipe and smoke it

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Turdo calls a Holocaust survivor a Nazi then runs out of parliament and suspends parliament and kills protesters

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The gun is loaded and it’s got 6 shots…Russian roulette with The Pfizer Winchester gun

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Biden says they will send Jets to Poland against Russia…he doesn’t say USA will be safe…he says united against Russia…at any cost!!!!!

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There is no such thing as a Counter protester…they are paid employees of the Govt crime syndicate

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Wrong again…nobody, no man, dictates freedoms….fuck you…freedoms are ours and they are free

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China Canada bad climate panel agrees to open New Fire Coal electricity plant every week

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By the Grace of God

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German Saxony Court Rules NO INJECTIONS or I KILL you

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Trudeau : The Great Abdicator

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Injecting Poison equals the Death Penalty…12 people witnessing can execute the perpetrator

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CIA for years admits to Training NAZI soldiers…the Fourth Reich…Soviet social Reich

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Bourla Bourla Bourla ha…Bourla Bourla Bourla Ha…Trading Places…He will soon own nothing after owning everything

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How Communism Takeover Was Defeated

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Death for Disagreement Mein Fuhrer

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Occupy Austrailia

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HHS Lawsuit



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Sic semper tyrannis

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