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Johnny and Joe time



Fraud or Freedom and the Path…The Lethal Injections…Dr Marble tells all and who to kill is Run by Dr Marble Free Medical advice Ivermectin does work Once you edited your genes it’s difficult to reverse Gene editing is a poison Spike proteins continue to be produced verified after a year Arrest or Kill the Enemy Stop the Enemy EUA drugs can kill everyone and they don’t have to stop it Bribed FDA CDC… Dr Fauci is the biggest Mass Murderer in history Early Treatment works for Corona 80 Percent in Hospital are injected with at least one shot Give wrong drugs in the Hospital and kill patients with deadly drugs and death drugs. Hospitals are modern Concentration Camps Gene editing is eugenics, it is a crime against humanity This is culling Fully vaccinated means you are dead Destroys the Immune system Sperm counts going to zero Cancers 20 times more Carditis, Clots, Heat failure, Embolism Miscarriage rate is 86 percent when mother is injected The pandemic of the Coward Doctors Rushed Science is bad science The Truth is Out There Not Questioning is the opposite of Science So many are brainwashed Patient abandonment is punishable 4 billion have taken shots _________________________ Dr Luc Montaigne Nobel Prize winner on Virus said everyone is dead in 3 years that got even 1 real injection. Again that matches up to the 2025 death date I heard from two different sources whom each had totally different sources. Alex Jones and most other free talkers only mention 2030.






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February 14th 2022  

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