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Flexner Report

  - 7:47

Flexner Report






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

December 8th 2021  

File Size: 113 MB

Category: Health And Wellness

1 Comment


- 3 years ago  

Not a lot of people know this. Although quackery exists and does need to be called out, it pales into insignificance against the backdrop big Pharma has created. As with all other captured areas of human endeavour, the blatant corruption, greed and racketeering also needs to be called out. This current 'emergency' has been deliberately engineered for profit and control of humanity. Understand that and the road to how we get ourselves out of this mess becomes clear. These corporate pirates must be attacked and challenged on all fronts without rest. Mercy is not in the dictionaries of these globalist criminals and NO mercy should be shown to them in turn. Be clear, a small number of narcissistic psychopaths and their bought and paid for lackeys are determined to kill 7 billion people and enslave the rest. As distasteful as this reality is, it is now time for us all to wake up and rise up en masse against them for they will not stop for love nor reason. Begin now. However insignificant and powerless we may feel, this is not the true reality and these few families know and fear this. We are the 99.99% .... which is about the recovery rate for most from this cynically engineered 'virus'. The so-called vaccines are nothing of the sort, they are bioweapons contrived to kill and maim as many as possible and to make as much money as possible in the process. How stupid or cowardly are we to allow this to continue unchallenged? All to further their transhumanist anti-human agenda. Do not believe the bought and paid for mass media propaganda, do not believe the government lies, do not accept medical tyranny. This is war and the entire planet and the future of humanity is at stake. We all have to start somewhere ..... cherish freedom as if it were a newborn.