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Finally, more doctors stepping out.

  - 19:22

Finally, more doctors stepping out.






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

December 24th 2022  

File Size: 29 MB

Category: Health And Wellness



- 2 years ago  

I'm sorry Dr,s. The time has come to put an end to your worm bisseness. No matter how hard you try to protect the powers of the devil to make people sick so you can treat them for worm deseases for empires of laborless wealth, science has found the way to prevent infection with worm deseases and get rid of all you evil praticianers of evil to. It's time to kiss your ass good by Dr,s. I hope each of you Dr,s burn in the SUN,s hell fire for ever with your spiritual leaders.


- 2 years ago  

Two things that must be stopped now. HUmanity is the negro species, it's taking over the world with niggerism desease. And is infested with infectious deadly helminth worm deseases that kill there host, humanity has become a deadly parasitic desease. HUmanity must be stopped and controlled so it never gets out of hand again. Worm desease must be prevented to save lives. The jabs are not experimental. They are new antihellmintics that kill the toughest most resilient deadly worms uncurable till now. The chance of Taking controll of two deseases with one stone must not be lost or wasted. HELP CONTROL DESEASE- GeT YouR JABs


- 2 years ago  

Sad, we tried to warn you, but instead we were referred to with the most heinous terminology unimaginable. All we could do was watch and live with our shame. Now all we can do is watch and live with a determination we will get these bastards for this criminal behavior. It was nothing but new technology for medicine and law enforcement and all we can do is watch the Funeral Homes get wealthy. Truly, a crime against humanity.


- 2 years ago  

Yeah, too late now right? 70% of the world is dying slowly.


- 2 years ago  

They treat people for symptoms of worm deseases, they took an oath to protect the medical industry's WORM bisseness at all cost to the patients.