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Category: Health And Wellness
- 4 years ago  
Think of it this way. In life fate is filled with chance, positive chance and negative chance. Getting ill with a virus like Covid 19 while you live your life is just that, a chance of fate. You may or may not get Covid 19. You may or may not get ill from covid19. ( Globally 99.6% of those contracting covid19 suffer little to mild issues. 0.4% need some form of hospital care). You may or may not die with covid19. Notice I say die with and not from. The US CDC notes in the USA 96% of all covid19 deaths were not from covid19, but from other issues. I'm sure other nations have similar numbers. So living life is taking a daily chance. This could mean the tiny chance that Covid 19 could make you sick and a smaller chance it could kill you. Now let's look at these untested with human non - vaccines. If you choose to take the jab, you are not tempting fate, for you consciously make a choice to take the jab, knowing it has potential of side effects that can be serious including death. This is akin to taking a revolver, placing one bullet in chamber and spinning the wheel. Then placing the barrel of the gun to your head and pulling the trigger. Odds are in your favor you will not blow your brains out, but this is not fate but a chance based solely on your direct actions. Would you play Russian roulette even just once, knowing that you have a 1 in 6 chance of blowing your brains out? Most here would not, I'm sure of this. Now the odds of taking the non-vaccine jab and getting sick or dying from it may not be 1 in 6 based on what we know as of February 2021. Only time will tell us more accurate odds numbers. But you are making a choice that could seriously effect your life and even death. Living your life normally and by fate you may or may not get sick with covid19 (or a host of other illnesses) is not the same game. If you are of normal health and under age 70 the survival rate of Covid 19 is, 99.97% or higher. Even if you are over age 70 and of not any or serious health issues the survival rate of covid19 is like 94+%... But let's be real here, once we reach advanced age life and fate increases negative odds against us We just have to accept it. But taking a non human tested, non-vaccine, one still not formerly government approved, not knowing the depth of serious side effects including death, regardless of age is playing Russian roulette. Think about it folks.🤔
- 4 years ago  
- 4 years ago  
Don't take the death shot!!! No more mask March 1st!!! Stand together or you'll fall for anything!!!
- 4 years ago  
I have been standing against this from the beginning — no mask, no shot, no social distance — its been lonely. I hope a lot more people stand up NOW.