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Flat Plane 2020



Viruses are the result of vaccination

  - 4:53






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September 20th 2023  

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Category: Technology & Science



- a year ago  

Covid is Coronavirus disease, it never was, somebody found a way to make it a disease. Don't fret over it, for anything man made will not survive in the Lord's creation, that's a promise from the Lord, because it's man made. Every year there will always be a new Flu and Colds, coronaviruses are Flus so don't fear them. Take care of yourself and in 14 days your immune system will recover, if not get help from others.


- a year ago  

The only thing I object to in her presentation is her implication that the SARS coronavirus is real when in fact there is no documentation in existence of it having been isolated from any human being. The SARS Coronavirus does not exist in the real world but was put together by a computer program from a genetic soup obtained from a human sample of a person said to be ill from covid-19, which itself was likely induced by injecting the spike protein directly into that patient. The actual virus does not exist in the real world, which is why the PCR test that they developed does not test for an entire virus but only a minuscule fragment of genetic material that they claim is part of that so-called virus. I believe they certainly tried to create a man-made virus using their nanolipoprotein technology and the RNA being inserted into that, but that clearly failed so they went ahead with a program of deception with the fraudulent PCR test that they insisted be given to every healthy person in the world, which was in and of itself unprecedented in the history of so-called pandemics. Agreeing that these things actually exist is simply playing into their hands because the basis of control of populations with lockdowns and mandates is based entirely on these fraudulent pandemics.


- a year ago  

The most deadly drug is belief. Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." ― Voltaire

Dragon Slayer Intel

- a year ago  

Wasn't it Dr. Ardes who showed that the root word for Virus was in fact Venom ? I should upload my truthful account of when I was attacked by an entity that tried to possess me, and was saved by Christ Jesus. The story is too long to post here, and I have no way to make videos.. Anyway VENOM or Chemical toxins, or powerful radio energy. That is your virus brothers..IMHO