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Flat Plane 2020



Mars Drone Fantasy on Devon Island

  - 5:36

NASA claim that the wider and longer blades compensates for the one percent of Earth’s atmosphere for proper lift. The blades supposedly are four feet long and spin at 2500 RPM and the whole unit only weighs four pounds. Four feet long blades spinning at 2500 RPM would effect the integrity of the structure. Helicopters also make air move over airfoils to generate lift, but instead of having their airfoils in a single fixed wing, they have them built into their rotor blades, which spin around at high speed (typically about 400–500 RPM on a small helicopter or about 225 RPM on a huge Chinook, Prop 2 on that helicopter directly provides thrust to counteract the spin. Now that balance is achieved to prevent spinning, we know that a drone needs a minimum of two propellers to fly. ... Two propellers can fly, but without articulating motors and/or a precisely balanced load, you have little control over flight. Nicknamed “Mars on Earth,” Devon Island is found in Nunavut in Canada's Arctic and is Earth's largest uninhabited island. There is a good reason nobody lives here – this desolate place features a polar-desert climate and barren, treacherous terrain. The plateau is often veiled by fog.Apr 9, 2019






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April 21st 2021  

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Category: Technology & Science



- 3 years ago  

How many millions did it cost to build that peace of junk.

Dragon Slayer Intel

- 3 years ago  

According to NASA, there is no air or atmosphere on Mars. So I GUESS THE FACTS, don't count to those whom just love the fake-SYFI revenue generating productions. CGI, Devon Island is Mars and all of NASA is BRAINWASHING propaganda !