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Wes Hamel



Part 1 New York Undercover Nurse Confirms COVID-19 Criminal Hoax

  - 37:10

May 12th 2020






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February 14th 2022  

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Category: Health And Wellness

1 Comment


- 2 years ago  

WOW! How insane these people are! I've seen this before, and the entire "pandemic is a HOAX! The PCR tests are bogus, the masks don't stop viruses AT ALL, lockdowns are the opposite of normal procedure, and they, (FAUCI) hid and demonized early treatment, (Hydroxychloroquine/Ivermectine/Vit.D, C, Quercetine, Zinc, NAC and more!) which was PROVEN to work in 85% of cases! (I believe it's higher than that!) And FAUCI pushed the failed, poisonous Ebola drug Remdesivir and ventilators! The injections are ALL different, and has now, (Since this video was released) caused THOUSANDS of deaths, hundreds of thousands of cases of Myocarditis, blood clots, this major side effects is too long to list here, but you can find it easily! It boggles the mind to see how many naive', gullible, ignorant, LAZY, apathetic people there are out there, who just don't care, even though the government and the media have NEVER told them the truth! There's NO excuse today, when there is so much information at our fingertips! Just the fact that hundreds of top scientists from around the world, in virology, epidemiology, immunology and thousands of doctors and nurses have been censored by the media and more importantly, Tony Fauci, Bill Gates, and anyone in their corrupt, criminal cabal! That ALONE should be making BILLIONS of people say, "Hey wait a minute, why aren't brilliant scientists from prestigious universities allowed to give THEIR opinions/FACTS and documented, scientific findings? Why are so-called "fact-checkers" being well paid, (By Gates, Fauci, Pfizer or companies connected to them!) to write LIES about them and discredit them with complete BS? Why has Fauci/Gates avoided any and ALL debates with these scientists? BECAUSE THE FAUCI/GATES CABAL HAVE LIED FROM THE START!