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THE MOST IMPORTANT Video on Earth Right Now

  - 8:05

What if there was a lie so pervasive, so effective, so powerful that almost everyone believed it? What if that lie was destroying people who believed it but mainstream media did nothing to expose it? What if the people who propagated this lie admitted it AFTER major global damage was done? Share this video with everybody you care about. The CDC document in the video link.






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

October 12th 2020  

File Size: 28 MB

Category: Health And Wellness

1 Comment


- 4 years ago  

With all the conditioning through the years, no one knows even the new generation have no Idea in the process of growing your own food in your own garden. In the 60's we had home economics, metal shop, wood shop and auto shop, music and learning instruments that we chose teaching the kids at the time giving us the ability to grow our minds and our own future plans with Ideas. Are any of these electives taught today ? From what I've read there are many teachers from schools and college's that teach hate for America these days against anything good and enriching lives with knowledge. Like George Carlin once said, All you need to enter college is a F'n pencil being they lowered the test scores just to pass students.