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Tony HellerPLUS



Washington Post Announces The Demise Of Winter - Again

  - 10:49

Earlier this week, the Washington Post said we were going to burn up due to global warming, the day before they reported on our historic snowstorm in Wyoming and Colorado.






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March 15th 2021  

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Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

Tony must love snow, eh?


- 3 years ago  

Snorts it everyday!!


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

What's your religion!!?


- 3 years ago  

What's your religion Mr.6? I'll show you mine if you show me yours.


- 3 years ago  

Was I talking to you!!? 🤔... All these fucking trolls around here these days!!. Unbelievable!!! 🙄


- 3 years ago  

We know that you like the attention.What is the emoji for fake outrage Mr.6?


- 3 years ago  

@NotMev: I appreciate you crouching down to my level for this discussion. Here is your simple answer. It is a two parter: 1. The so called climate scientists have been cranking out models and making dire predictions for decades. That simple little video on CO2 that you posted; Dr. will Happer or Dr. tim Ball would tell you that the level of heat captured by CO2 is greatly exaggerated. That is why the predictions have not come true.2. Have you not noticed that many people who spout this propaganda don’t believe it themselves. Gore, Obama, Kerry, the Hollywood elites; none of these people are abandoning their luxurious beachfront playhouses. If they don’t believe the hysteria, why should I? Here is a bonus: i for one am not dum enough to think that China and India are going to rapidly build coal and gas fired generating plants until 2030, then tear them down. Many liberals are dum enough to believe it. That’s why the Paris Climate Accords will go away, because the people in high places knows that this is not about climate. Dr. Patrick Moore is right: When communism collapsed in the late 80’s, it found a new home in the environmental movement Could AOC exist in the 70’s Green Peace? Don’t make me laugh.


- 3 years ago  

"That simple little video on CO2 that you posted; Dr. will Happer or Dr. tim Ball would tell you that the level of heat captured by CO2 is greatly exaggerated. " My question to you is what part of that simplified video you disagree with. You posted what those people have said. Now, does that mean you believe that the extra CO2 released into our atmosphere does cause an increase in temperatures, but that increase in temperature is greatly exaggerated? Please be specific. I do not care what the rich people do with their properties in the short term. Hell, they have so much money they could probably pick there houses up and transport them to higher ground about as easy it is for me financially to replace 4 tires on my car.


- 3 years ago  

Since I am not a solar physicist or a geologist, I cannot explain how carbon dioxide captures heat in the atmosphere and too What extent it has been exaggerated. Those gentlemen I mentioned have a very good track record in this area. Why? Because they have been correct. Carbon dioxide is a minor greenhouse gas, therefore it does capture a little heat in the atmosphere. Water vapor, methane are far more effective at this. You said that you do not care what those rich people do. I guess you do not care then if they force an agenda on you that they do not believe them selves. Do you not know what the word Hypocrite means? Do what you want. Your life is your life. Nobody is going to force and agenda on me that they do not believe themselves. To hell with all of them.


- 3 years ago  

So CO2 is a greenhouse gas!!?. As well as methane!??. & Water vapour too!!! 😳... Any other gases & pollutants that you can think of off the top of your head!?? 🤔... If I should show you a graph of all the pollutants of man made greenhouse gases!!!. Would you believe it!!?. Or would you just think, wow, that's such a cute fancy graph!??


- 3 years ago  

Lil’ sperg, are you ashamed of your place here on earth? Is that why you want to lash out at the world and advocate state policies that will depopulate the planet?


- 3 years ago  

@FleaMagnet Now Happer. I tried to find one paperthat he wrote where I could see his math about CO2 the heat captured being greatly exaggerated. I could not find one. Please don't provide me something where he shows some type of calculation, not just a belief statement. I did find a rebuttal to him:


- 3 years ago  

@FleaMagnet CO2,models, temperature, and Exxon from the 80s: Exxon's scientists predictions are very close to what is happening using simplified models and antiquated computers.


- 3 years ago  

@NotMev: If that propaganda you are displaying is true, why aren’t your climate heros taking the lead in lowering their carbon footprint? After all, is that not what that information is meant to do, getting people like you and me to lower our carbon footprint? I asked you the question earlier and I will ask again, how can you blindly follow a group of elite hypocrites who do not give the slightest damn about climate? Don’t give me a silly answer like they are rich and can move their mansions. If you really cared about truth and intellectual honesty you would give them a harder time than I do. I will say it again. I will not follow a hypocrite that refuses to put their actions where their mouth is.


- 3 years ago  

@FleaMagnet "I will not follow a hypocrite that refuses to put their actions where their mouth is." Does this mean you do not listen to any doctor that gives you advise unless that doctor is following it? The validity of the medical advise is independent of the doctor following it himself.Do suggest anything different is complete ignorance. But, give it a try with every single medical doctor you see in the future. I try my best to be more energy efficient and greener. But I still drive a large car. According to your illogic, since I still drive an ICE vehicle, anything I say about green lower carbon activities should not be listened to.


- 3 years ago  

@NotMev: actually, you bring up a very valid point. If I go to a medical doctor with a medical condition, and the doctor has the same medical condition, and the doctor gives me medical advice that the doctor will not follow, that doctor is incompetent and a hypocrite. I would never listen to that doctor ever again. The rich powerful elites at the forefront of the global warming crusade are in positions of great influence. They are words influence millions of people. Their actions do not match their words. You and I do not have that kind of influence. Our beliefs dictate our actions to a large extent in the real world. A moment ago are used the word crusade, and I used that word deliberately. These rich powerful elites are like television evangelists. They are surrounded by worshipers and butt kissers. Nothing they say or do is wrong. They can preach the global warming message then go do the exact opposite of what they say, and no one calls them out. They do not deserve my allegiance, or even my attention except to call out their hypocrisy.


- 3 years ago  

@FleaMagnet "I would never listen to that doctor ever again." If the information is valid, it is still valid whether or not that doctor follows it. A fat doctor telling your fat ass that you should loose weight, still is correct in telling you to looose weight. A doctor that smokes telling you to stop smoking is still making a valid point. The message is way more important than the messenger.


- 3 years ago  

Those hypocrites are trying to force their global warming agenda on me at gunpoint. That is a figurative statement, if not a literal one. That may soon be a literal statement. Remember how the old Soviet elites used to live? Do as I say and not as I do.


- 3 years ago  

All I ask of the 'consensus' of climatologists is what easy observation would falsify the hypothesis of anthrogenic global warming. NOW, even increasing arctic sea ice with increased atmosphere CO2 is not even contraevidence. This is in absolute contradiction to the absolute necessary prediction that diminishing Arctic sea ice IS the most sensitive indicator of warming.

My Brighteon Channel

- 3 years ago  

Suggestion for future Video title : ******************************** The Warmists who cried Wolf


- 3 years ago  

To ALL the know-it-alls, A computer can be told how to put its data on the screen. If you believe computers are INFALLIBLE, Smoke some more fairy poop dope. Computers do what they are told. Kinda like the swamp & msm. IF you don't like the stuff TONY HELLER say, DON'T read it or even better DON'T visit the site. Your B.S. is tougher to believe than Tony. NOW you blow harders can go away, We do NOT need MORE MORONS...OF course this is IMO.


- 3 years ago  

You are correct, the last thing this site needs is more morons, it already has you, tony, bots, and a cavalcade of morons.


- 3 years ago  

notmev - That wasn't very nice. Kind of losin' it, are we?The barrage of facts from Tony Heller's climate history is overwhelming, and his "debunkers" address about 1% of his facts, it seems to me.


- 3 years ago  

@Outrigger Hey how come you did not respond to wilford when he said it? Different rules for one side?


- 3 years ago  

@Outrigger It takes way more time to dispute 1% of tony's lies than it takes for tony to spit them out. Take his repeated, years and years, use of USHCN unadjusted data. I had to find the site that posts that data, read all the pages, read the UG, read what it was and is supposed to used for, read how the adjustments where made and why, read multiple papers on different points of view on the adjustments, even from deniers.


- 3 years ago  

None of you have been able to take TH on with his main points, rather attack the points that are not vital to his position. Even if your points are true, which they mostly probably aren't, it doesn't invalidate his position. This video has some a ton of great points, yet none are specifically addressed.


- 3 years ago  

Maybe I expected better of you.


- 3 years ago  

But I know TH puts climate alarmists like you under a lot of stress.


- 3 years ago  

Seems a great many people these days have never heard of G.I.G.O.


- 3 years ago  

Excellent as usual Tony.

Truth Sleuth

- 3 years ago  

Some thoughts occur to me as I see the contrast between the hot summers of the late 30's and early 40's vs hot spells today (actually, 2 yrs ago seemed warmer) : FAR fewer autos, fewer people in the US, and smaller cities which didn't yet have the pollution so visible in the early 70's. CO was the boogey man in the 70's, in the 80's it was the "brown cloud". Seems we should be looking elsewhere for something to blame for all our ills today.


- 3 years ago  

The sun is the #1 driver of the climate. Ice ages often happen, and it's because the sun's output is cyclical. C02 is not a cause of climate change.


- 3 years ago  

Grinding on Tony's cock again!!... How cute! 🤗


- 3 years ago  

Another string of bile punctuated with an emoji, how cute!


- 3 years ago  

Nothing but!!. Coming out of your ass!!!


- 3 years ago  

We all love Tony Heller 👍


- 3 years ago  

I have been gardening in Nashville Tennessee since 1987. I used to put out my vegetables around April 15. Now I have to wait until after May 1st. That is not a computer model. 🍅🍅🍅🌶🫑


- 3 years ago  

Tennessee is one of a handful of state that have not seen a change in the last frost date: but look at the first frost date per state, or the lenght of the growing season per state. Or look at historic charts from 1916: Compare that to newer ones for the USA. See any patterns?


- 3 years ago  

The pattern is what I have experienced. Your fancy graphs can’t change that.


- 3 years ago  

@FleaMagnet Fancy graphs? Oh, that is so cute.


- 3 years ago  

Hey @notmev, Have you not been paying attention? CO2 has no effect on warming. What is it that you do not understand? I would guess that you are one of the retards that can not understand "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". You want to dispute "MODELS" but the FACT is bullshit in = bullshit out. That is what you are sucking up in your little tiny brain. It does not take a rocket scientist to understand the bullshit coming from the fraudsters. However you seem to be having a hard time with it. I would suggest you seek help, all though the people you will seek help from are probably frauds too.


- 3 years ago  

@NotMev P.S. Your data emphasizes frost dates. If you knew anything about gardening you would know that below 50 degrees F most vegetables will not bloom, set fruit, and for many species plant growth is stunted. If I adhered to your fancy charts it would cost me a lot of money.


- 3 years ago  

Thinking & seeing of what you have seen & have experienced in your lifetime means that you know exactly everything of what is going on!!... Right flea brain!!?... 🤔


- 3 years ago  

@FleaMagnet Soybeans are the largest agricultural crop in TN. Yields increase slightly for production in TN when planted earlier Now what vegetable has caused you to buck the trend of earlier planing? Oh, I've been gardening since the 70s. Every year. Either with my dad, or on my own. The last 33 years in the same plot of land.


- 3 years ago  

Does Mr.6 even proof read his own posts? My assumptions are that he is: A) English as a second language B) On the low side of literacy C) next generation spam bot


- 3 years ago  

Some have IQ's!!. Some think, they are smart!!!


- 3 years ago  

Again Tony points out that "computer models" Are total bullshit. The fact is, that any type of computer models are total bullshit. People who report the findings of such models are frauds who should be dragged of by men in white coats and put into a padded room. Sadly this is many people who are in the US government and the NEWS media, YET no one is removing them from their damaging positions! WHY? What the fuck is wrong with people now days? Why is it that people do not understand that these people think they are the enlightened elite and you are just common people who are there to serve their whims? I would ask, who the fuck do these people think they are? You decide for yourself, am I going to clean Oboma's toilet for him in his 15 million beach side mansion and shiver in my hut while he lives in the lap of luxury, or am I going to live as a free and equal human being. The choice is yours. PS... How the hell does a community organizer get so rich on a public servant salary?


- 3 years ago  

There are ignorant statements and then there is this:"The fact is, that any type of computer models are total bullshit." You do realize that you are using a computer/phone that was designed with computer models?


- 3 years ago  

"To believe in climate models is delusional" - "ignorant" Freeman Dyson


- 3 years ago  

The TROLL notmev used to be maybe, tony666..I believe. HIS BS is thick and he is DENSE. BUT BEING A TROLL, he doing as he is told. GO AWAY DIPS*&T.


- 3 years ago  

trevorgrindz - If Freeman Dyson walked into a room with 100 climate scientists, the average IQ of the room would rise 20 points. 😃


- 3 years ago  

Here is a simple computer model from Exxon's scientists from the 80s:


- 3 years ago  

Climate models for the future are stupid.


- 3 years ago  

@NotMev: Does it really take a lowly high school grad like me to tell you that reality is not a computer model, and when they don’t match the model is wrong. Besides,Anyone telling me that CO2 is a pollutant is not being honest. If it was then humans would be trying to eradicate it, unless you think a little pollution is good. I don’t.


- 3 years ago  

Didn’t Exxon also project the world being out of oil by 2000? Omniscient there too eh?


- 3 years ago  

@FleaMagnet This is a real simplified explanation of CO2 and it's heating effects on our atmosphere: What part of this do you disagree with and why?

Al Gore

- 3 years ago  

by the year 2030 Iceland will have to be renamed to 'No Iceland' due to the effects of climate change


- 3 years ago  

LOL! nice one


- 3 years ago  

Y'all are being REALLY mean to gore? He is such a good climate scientist......OH! WAIT!....NEVERMIND!


- 3 years ago  

Why is Newtube such an awful platform? The video won’t play for me. Rumble or bitchute or something might be better. I know we want to avoid Youtube but something that works at least marginally well would be nice.


- 3 years ago  

Works just fine for me and I am using a old old computer, or that is what they tel me..... Maybe it is on your end? Just saying...


- 3 years ago  

no problem here .... Bitchute how ever sucks sometimes because of forever buffering.


- 3 years ago  

Works fine for me. I RUN really good CRAP FILTERS.


- 3 years ago  

Works perfectly fine for me and apparently many other must be you.