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Tony HellerPLUS



YouTube Consensus Video

  - 4:57

Some classic YouTube videos on scientific consensus.






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

December 27th 2021  

File Size: 66 MB

Category: Politics



- 2 years ago  

Following just about every one of your vids that I have seen, I feel relieved that there is still some common sense left in the world. Thank you for that Tony. You just made my day a little easier to deal with.


- 2 years ago  

"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool." -Richard Feynman Some covid 19 principles he might investigate would be: 0. Trust no one! 1. Do People die simultaneously around the world? 2. Do People get sick a simultaneously around the world? 3. Reports from around the world of a novel deadly disease do not prove a novel deadly disease actually exists! 4. Are PCR "tests" a valid method for identifying a microscopic protien construct called SarsCov-2? Can the test differentiate between one microscopic construct and another? How do they know which construct caused a positive result? Can the test be manipulated for a desired outcome? 5. Has it been proven that the microscopic protein construct SarsCov-2 exists as biological isolate? 6. Has it been proven that the microscopic protein constuct SarsCov-2 is pathogenic?


- 2 years ago  

Context on Dr. Feynman would be interesting. He passed away a third of a century ago, so I wonder to what "climate change" or "CoVID-19" non-science, (nonsense?,) issue(s) he referred?


- 2 years ago  

I will be sharing this on Facepalm (Facebook), can't wait to see how long it take someone to point out YouTube wasn't around back then. LOL


- 2 years ago  

Truth has been pushed to the side for over 5000 years since the advent of gawds and religion. SAME belief system working then as now to kill off real truths.


- 2 years ago  

Considering that humans were not widely literate, logic not formally developed, scientific method in its infancy, and sophistry/rhetoric at it's apogee, and paper awaiting discovery, early civilizations did well. You cannot use current contemporary cultural conceits, convention, and knowledge to judge the past. You must consider what those civilizations had to use as principles, tools and culture at the time they existed.


- 2 years ago  

'Science' is a coterie of prigs drowning in their own self-importance.


- 2 years ago  

Wowee. I’m going to look up some YouTube videos from the end of the Roman period. I guess I just didn’t know how far back YouTube went. I really do believe we are entering an age of AI. Since computers will eventually decide what happens I can’t believe that superior intelligence from interconnected neurons all the way around the world could be as stupid as the people who run YouTube. Maybe there’s hope after all?


- 2 years ago  

Consensus never implied anything but agreement. That does not translate into truth or provable factual assessments. Ask anyone faced with a room full of idiots - except one, maybe two - all agreeing to change the school curriculum to include CRT or gender studies for third graders. For whatever reason the latest buzz word dictates - social justice, reparations, inclusivity, diversity, racial equity, gender equity, blah, blah, blah. America, I'm glad I knew you when you still had some beauty and grace. Now, you're just ugly with the stain of sexual and moral depravity combined with ignorance laced with fear. No matter what happens next to our nation the experiment in self-governance is over.


- 2 years ago  

A root flaw in any "democratic" system, is that the vast majority of time, a super-majority of the people just want things to stay as they are and don't want the state to interfere with them. Why should a small minority of activists that choose to be "politically active" be able to change things for the majority that don't want things to change? People shouldn't have to go out of their way to keep things from being changed. Those wanting to change things should need to drum up support from a super-majority of the population in order for any changes to be implemented.


- 2 years ago  

"The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness." -Richard Horton

Larry Jenkins

- 2 years ago  

Great to see that clip of Rhodesian Alan Savory.


- 2 years ago  

And what controls the direction of academia and consensus? Economics. Which is neither a science, nor a philosophy, but a system of trickery, fraud, and deception, for the purpose of control.


- 2 years ago  

To respond to your reply to my comment above: The majority of people are not very bright and can be easily swayed into pursuing objectives that are anathema to their well-being. Observe the current covid insanity for proof of that. That is the flaw of democracies. As individuals people are remarkable and can be so creative, fearless, wise. As a group the lowest common denominator usually for some reason holds sway over the rest. I can't understand it. But it is so.


- 2 years ago  

Dr. Feynman understood science very well. The current tyrants do not.