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Tony HellerPLUS



New Mexico Continues To Listen To The Scientists

  - 9:43

New Mexico governor Wuhan Lujan has been "listening to the scientists" about viruses and climate. In doing so, she has devastated the economy of the state and accomplished nothing.






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January 27th 2021  

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Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

I heard that a mask can help a bit against ice cold wind. I didn't think they could serve any purpose at all. 😷


- 3 years ago  

My apple trees didn't mind the extra carbon dioxide. I had my best crop ever last year.


- 3 years ago  

The lefty US politicians are all talking about getting things done by the year 2030. Hum, like this plan,


- 3 years ago  

Don't worry, by the time China Joe is done, the whole country will look like New Mexico. That's the way equality works under communism. We will all be unified in poverty.


- 3 years ago  

I live in Lincoln, NE. Gov Rickettes has refused, until Dec 12, 2020, to impose state-wide isolation, mask or isolation mandates. Our mayor, Leirion Gaylor Baird, grew up in Portland, Oregon where her parents were public school teachers. She completed a bachelor of arts in history from Yale College in 1993. She earned a master of science in comparative social policy from University of Oxford in 1997 and she interned in San Francisco. That explains what she did when the "pandemic" was declared. Our city council gave her "emergency powers", which they extended on Jan 11, 2021. What she did is shown in the following document: She imposed curfews, closed "non-essential" businesses, putting many people out of work in Lincoln and Lancaster county, canceled all athletic events (except the tennis tournament her daughter was in), imposed mask and social distance mandates, restricted church attendance, etc. On Dec 12th Rickettes published LLHD-19. But, his restrictions are about half of what the mayor imposed, but like the mayor he threatens to use force of law. Each county in the state got a separate DHM. What are the people in Lincoln and Lancaster country doing. They have to wear masks when they visit businesses, butwhen they step outside the masks go into their pocket and they live their lives normally.


- 3 years ago  

The beautiful people!!... I love the beautiful people in here! 🥰.


- 3 years ago  

A little bit of a history lesson from our master in class today!!. Don't believe in the scientific community unless you can build a bomb, hey!! 😝... Just like everywhere in America, you have fucked up!!!. Government policies can control outbreaks!!. But then again!. You did have a Trumpet!!!. ... I could mention places like Australia as being a good example & doing really great by doing the right things!! But 🤔... Wow!!!. Ok, let's stick with Nebraska & South Dakota as such a great example of what to do!! 🤗... The reality is!!. America will & is falling way behind in everything because you don't listen to the scientific community's & everything is always fake news & or they just have an agenda!! 🤔. Gee that sounds familiar!!... Yeh you just keep relying on fossil fuels!!! 🤗.


- 3 years ago  

So how long will it take, when all energy consumption is powered by sun, wind and water. Even those disrupt ecosystems, will you build solar panels and windmills with cattails eventually, oh that's another problem.


- 3 years ago  

M anus!! 😂🤣😂🤣 😝. Yeh well I found it funny!!! 😝... Ok serious now!! 😳... What a stupid question!!. How long is a piece of string!!? 🤔. Ok, so do you think I'm nostradamus or something!??... Maybe those questions should be going to the ones who make the policies!!?. Though if you look throughout our history you could certainly take comparisons or get a few hints to certain things of how far they have come!!? Yeh!??. Then you could think to yourself how fast has technology developed & is continuing to develop at an ever increasing faster & faster rate in the let's say, the last say, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20 or even say in the best of it, the last 10 years!!! 🤔... Seems to me we are still using a energy source that is so rightly named!! A fucking fossil!!!... The only problem we have by not changing our ways & continuing to develop our clean energy technologies & future technologies, some that are already on the drawing boards!!. Is that we will become the next lot of, fucking fossils!!! 🤗... Have you ever heard of that saying!!?. Where there's a will, there's a way!!?. But not the Trumpet way!!!.. Now what do we need to do!!?. Yes!. Fucking roll up our sleeves!! Pretty simple hey!!... Especially America! 🙄


- 3 years ago  

Hey pot hole. Don’t be such a climate history deniers. Your face diaper is leaking Ice has been melting for 20,000 year. You are exhale 3 pounds of co2 a day. Try to tie some knots in your ear loops .


- 3 years ago  

If you promise not to be such a Tony dick sucker!!?... Deal!?? 😝


- 3 years ago  

China Joe(I am now using this name for him in the UK) has a propaganda machine already waiting. Soon as he switches it on the Ministry of truth will commence the brainwash that job losses are good, the jobs were waysist and all is well in the world. just wait till he gets together with Greta Thornburger. Will he resist the grope?, mind she is too old for him now by all accounts, looking at the video evidence ...


- 3 years ago  

Mark my word, Biden will soon enact a carbon tax on gasoline of a least .05 per gallon of gas. If they were really concerned about auto's emitting so much Co2's they would make us drive under 55 mph. But that would not be popular with their voters, so you know that will not happen.

My Brighteon Channel

- 3 years ago  

I can only hope and continue to remind people just how much overwhelming propaganda Legacy Media peddles every day on EVERY issue under the Sun. I have close relatives who are so brainwashed by this evil that it's painful to observe. It's apparently so much easier for them to be TOLD what to think than to actually think for themselves. Propaganda is comforting to those who avoid critical thinking. 🙄


- 3 years ago  

Where's Tony666... miss that guy.


- 3 years ago  

The men in white coats came and got him.

Nik Monk

- 3 years ago  

Please, Eriks, don’t encourage him! 🙏 I was enjoying the peace and quiet.


- 3 years ago  

Mommy must have shut off the internet to the basement because he shit the bed again.


- 3 years ago  

Hi guys!! 😀. Thanks for caring & showing the love 🤗


- 3 years ago  

The Class Clown? Don't worry, he'll show up. Tony lives rent free in his head.


- 3 years ago  

That explains everything!!!... I wonder when his next conspiracy theory video will come out!! 🤔


- 3 years ago  

Funny how suddenly they are saying there is a rise in wuflu cases. At least that is what they are saying in the west coast

Nik Monk

- 3 years ago  

Bandit- I’m on the west coast, too. Last Friday, a reporter said on the local news that there were thousands of new cases - but then he said, ‘There will be fewer cases on the coming weekend, because they do less testing then.’ So ‘cases’ just means positive results, likely false positives, not actual sick people. Which is perhaps why I don’t know ONE SINGLE PERSON who has had WuFlu.


- 3 years ago  

Tony, anyone, How to get a job and relocate - Nebraska? South Dakota? CDL-B driver.


- 3 years ago  

Found an interesting video on the big lie about WUFLU....its a bit long but riveting listening


- 3 years ago  

Tony has uploaded it too. I went to the original upload and bookmarked it to watch later and guess what, it's removed for policy violations. Well, I'll watch it on newtube.


- 3 years ago

Nik Monk

- 3 years ago  

Hi Bottville - I easily found the NewTube user ‘Yabba’, but which video are you referring to? I know, I’m technologically stunted, but I’m trying.


- 3 years ago  

The video is called "Dr Simone Gold The truth about the EXPERIMENTAL WuFlu Vaccine - - 56:09". If you highlight and copy paste the following link into the address bar in your browser it will take you straight to it:


- 3 years ago  

They think they are "scientists" but they are in reality jerks who with little rational reflection adher to dumb and fraudulant misconceptions


- 3 years ago  

Many of them, particularly the ones with Ph.D. degrees, are book smart but know little about the real world. If it weren't for government and academic institutions hiring them and paying them a salary, they'd literally starve to death.


- 3 years ago  

Stay strong Tony! We have to believe that reason and Right will prevail. Even though our respective nations may change (I am promoting WEXIT in our Canadian Dominion just as Patriots in your great Democratic Experiment are pondering a 'fly-over State' secession). My despair that we can overturn the Marxist culturalism propaganda in our Eastern and Western urban centres...has morphed into an optimism that this century will usher in a new Western Cultural Enlightenment and Intellectual Revolution centred in an independent geographic 'Westeros' in this N American continent.

Nik Monk

- 3 years ago  

Hi Marcus - I just finished reading today’s Rex Murphy column in the NP, in which he quotes a poll which shows that the great majority of those who voted Liberal, NDP, or Green in the last election just shrug off Biden’s cancellation of Keystone XL. No big deal, apparently. Only in Alberta and Saskatchewan do the people care about the thousands of jobs which depend on the oil industry and the farming and other industries that benefit from it. Yes, I agree it is time for some Western independence! Let the urban centers freeze in the dark in the coming years, it will be entirely their own fault.


- 3 years ago  

People will listen to mass media no matter what, as it is beyond their comprehension that mass media, gov, and medical bodies are corrupt. And after a billion or more people die of the Pfizer vac, (New, evil deadly Covid strain) it may finally sink in.


- 3 years ago  

People aren't willing to fight for their rights. Thus, they lose them. When the vaccine is required in order to hold a job, travel by air, train or bus, buy groceries, attend school or just to visit the local library, it will too late to use the law to reassert your liberty. How many days are we from THAT blatant abuse of power? Maybe it's already happened in many places. CA, NM, NY, etc. Have you heard of the hypodermics that break off the tip when used? Do you know how small the electronic devices that provide GPS coordinates are these days? About the size of a tip of a needle, I might guess. Probably just one of those conspiracy theories. You know, that vast right-wing conspiracy that Hillary warned America about back in the 90's. I wish those folks were real. We could use their help. The masked masses turn my stomach. Probiotics help. Good luck to you all.


- 3 years ago  

I don't think GPS trackers can be made the size of the tip of a hypodermic needle today, or ever. The big problem is that GPS receivers are power-hungry and they need a sizeable power source to function. Moreover, the antenna needs to have a certain size to be able to receive GPS signals efficiently and for a tracking device to transmit signals efficiently, and that size is much, much larger than the tip of a hypodermic needle.


- 3 years ago  

Falkenfels: I suppose you're right. I guess the electronics could be performing some other function.

Nik Monk

- 3 years ago  

Thanks, Mike and Falk - I don’t know much about GPS or any other technology, so I appreciate hearing different sides, uncensored on NewTube. And Mike- ending with ‘Good luck to you all’ sounds like you are boarding a starship heading for another galaxy- any seats left?


- 3 years ago  

Nik Monk: Faith is my ship. Lots of room. Jesus will be glad to validate your ticket. The truth does set you free. But I do not like to proselytize. I always found the pamphlet pushers to be annoying. And those silly grins! I'm pretty sure you're old enough to have heard the Word before. Just think about it.