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Tony HellerPLUS



Non-Consensus Science (Part 2)

  - 4:09

In part one I showed how the press uses the term "scientists say" to push the opinion of one or two junk scientists. In part two I show how they attempt to cancel any scientist who tells the truth.






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November 13th 2020  

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Category: Politics



- 4 years ago  

When facts don’t support your argument you left with two choices, 1.) shut your mouth, 2.) ad hominem attacks on those presenting the truth.

Stephen Nixey

- 4 years ago  

The funny thing is not many people deny climate change they simply question the science as you should do as that is science! The same story of - do not question our beliefs


- 4 years ago  

The term “denier” not fit because we do not deny that the climate changes, we believe that natural variability is the cause. However, the term climate Nazi does fit because the climate Nazis want to dictate how I live. they want to dictate where I live they want to dictate the size of house I live in they want to dictate how I heat my house they want to dictate how I light my house they want to dictate what I eat they want to dictate what I use to cook my food they want to dictate how I travel they want to dictate where I travel they want to dictate what I drive they want to dictate what I use to power my car Just like the Nazis of the 30s, they shut down opposing views. The climate Nazis have even called for imprisonment of those whom they label as “deniers” and even execution.


- 4 years ago  

The problem isn't the ignorance of the NYT or any other MSM outlet. The problem is the ignorance of the general public, and their unwillingness to learn. Too many people don't read anymore. They are happy to just be told what to think.

Peter Clark

- 4 years ago  

4 years to get this done? Just what game was really Trump playing? Add to this the wall, immigration, the Washington elite/swamp, attacks on Free Speech... He's the President, all he needed was great staff to keep the pot boiling. I honestly worry that he is deep down really a social media junkie; it's all a game to him.


- 4 years ago  

The game.... (which is not a game by the way, it is very serious) is coming from the lefttards. Maybe, just maybe, you have to beat the toby's at there own game. It is not like they are all retards. Gobel's showed them what to do and they follow suit with a twist or two. They have hijacked the education system and are now into preschool pushing their sick ideas. He is the only one that can do anything about it and he IS. Neither you or I have the ability except for out and out war. What is to worry about? Well maybe.... out and out war. Or you can surrender and put on your face diaper.


- 4 years ago  

In his second term I hope he will fire Gavin Smith at NASA Giss. I have seen so many good scientists at the Heartland Institute, incl. David Legates, who would be exelent.