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Tony HellerPLUS



The Roots Of All Evil

  - 6:16

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt






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May 23rd 2022  

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Category: Politics



- 2 years ago  

Exactly! Is it just ignorance/stupidity or is it malice! To cure ignorance it would be enough to listen to and learn from Tony! Tony disproves the climate change fairytale leaving absolutely no doubt! Leaves malice as explanation! Or that one just does not care for facts! It is easier and gives personal advantages to join the crowd running in the wrong direction!


- 2 years ago  

Tony, this channel is so refreshing. I love how the pandemic is partly to blame for the coming power shortages. As for the temperatures, we had a snow storm here in Reno during the first week of May which none of the locals can recall ever happening. When I suggest that this doesn't really jive with the global warming narrative, I am consistently met with the response that global warming (caused by too much carbon) leads to extremes in weather patterns such as we experienced this May as well as the unusually low overnight temperatures we had between January through late Spring. This has got to be a testament to the power of MS news to convince people not to believe what they see before their own eyes. And these are smart people! At least I thought they were. Btw, are the magnetic poles of the planet in the process of shifting, or is that bunk as well?


- 2 years ago  

If I became the leader of my country I would humbly request you join my team as chief climate and environment minister.

Truth Sleuth

- 2 years ago  

"... cheap solar and cheap wind power..." Owww. Make it end. Oh, ok, I'll grant you that one wind turbine is less expensive than a nat. gas power plant, but anyone who's installed and relied on solar/wind for their personal use will be the first to report that it ain't cheap. Unless you don't need to bake, wash and dry laundry or heat/cool your home. No, here's an idea I heard from none other than Bill Gates himself: what you really need is more vaccines!


- 2 years ago  

Someone needs to look up piticians and global warming fenatics stock portfolios. They wouldn't push it unless it's a payday for them. Insider trading.


- 2 years ago  

Malice drives stupid.


- 2 years ago  

Cheap Green Energy? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Any one who believe that is not a moron, but retarded! Nor do they realize the damage making this, installing this, does to the environment. You have a oil leak, or a ship crashes and it is a couple years before everything is back to pristine. These green energy products destroy the earth forever. Not even a nuclear boom or a melt does does that. Making solar panel does.... think about that for your great grandchildren.


- 2 years ago  

The fundamental issue with “renewables” is that they generate power without storing it. Two separate things. So either we need multiple overlapping types of generation, like solar for day use, wind, etc. or we need to compliment these things with batteries. Fossil fuels come pre-stored. So the true cost of energy is production plus storage. You think fossil fuel is finite? Wait until we run out of rare earth metals for storage.


- 2 years ago  

These wankers act so certain while they lie, lie, lie. Too many fools will buy this bullshit


- 2 years ago  

Too many fools. Sounds like the epitaph to the human race. Everyone in my family (distant) has swallowed the bullshit. They have almost all taken the jab. Then they wonder why they get sick. Oh, they say, but it WOULD HAVE BEEN far worse without the vax. Like that's even remotely provable. "Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest of these are 'it might have been'."


- 2 years ago  

Me also Mike, and there is no getting through, or the more hard evidence you show the dumber they get. Then they say every new Covid strain will kill off the unvacced, while they get sicker every winter flu season, and we have mild to no symptions. 30% are hypotised, and the rest are brainless or put their career above death, or disability. With only about 5% with an intelligence. Only a matter of time before one of them develops an overunity device, and gives these idiots a long overdue blood nose!


- 2 years ago  

In a twisted sort of reasoning climate change actually is to blame for fuel shortages and subsequent higher prices. They would never have shut down the Keystone pipeline and coal plants, etc. except for climate change. It doesn't matter whether or not that climate change is real. Deception in this world has reached fatal levels. Lies are killing us faster than any other single cause. Or, for that matter, any five causes combined. And it's only going to get worse. Too many people agree with, support and regurgitate the deceptions.


- 2 years ago  

Politicians and the elites are ultimate liars.