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Tony HellerPLUS



Fool Me Once ....

  - 6:55

Joe Biden is recycling the identical green energy scam he pulled twelve years ago. Only this time he plans to steal much more taxpayer money.






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January 28th 2021  

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- 3 years ago  

Why have I not commented on this yet!! 😳. So full of Tony crap as usual!!!. But one must do a real job for a living hey!!?... Fucken Boomer's!! πŸ€”


- 3 years ago  

Where's tonyheller666? Not a single response? C'mon man (to use a Biden expression), you've got to have something here? Wait - you've not proposed a single useful response to anything on Tony Heller's channel except a bunch of emoticon laden fluffy posts. Gp Tony666... what a great source of "debunking"!


- 3 years ago  

Maybe he didn't do his chores and got his screen privileges taken away.


- 3 years ago  

Maybe I was on a hot date!!. & Had better things to do!!!... πŸ€”


- 3 years ago  

That's about as likely as an 8 day week. Right hand or Left?


- 3 years ago  

Joe Biden also said that he was going to cure cancer.


- 3 years ago  

ALL Democrats are liars.


- 3 years ago  

O'bummer/O'bidden were there to destroy the United States, take every act and policy they promoted and they all were detrimental to the people of America.

Stephen Nixey

- 3 years ago  

Appropriateness is not authentic and can be spotted a mile off.


- 3 years ago  

Well, in Sleepy Joe's defense, he probably doesn't remember what he did yesterday never mind 12 years ago. Resident Biden will go down in History as the worst person to be appointed President, that is until Heels Up Harris takes his place.


- 3 years ago  

We supported Trump because he truly cared about us - fake POTUS gropin' kiddie diddlin' Joe doesn't care at all about us - all he cares about is $$$ & putting America last. I will never understand why ANYONE would vote against America!


- 3 years ago  

The left is so hateful they will shoot themselves in the foot just so they can blame it on the right to win the vote of the ignorant.


- 3 years ago  

Perhaps the soylent green eaters should leave the kerosine lamp on until they figure out how the screw the light bulb in . πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ these silly sheep in face diapers will be trying to eat grass in a cold dark caves. Luckily you can see through the darkness with the glare of a muzzle blast.


- 3 years ago  

Democrats are always up for shoveling mountains of government money to themselves and their friends and allies. The only thing that changes is the reason for doing so, and as this video demonstrates even that is cyclical.


- 3 years ago  

Ireland and Iceland should go solar too, haha.

Glenn Howden

- 3 years ago  

This is going to cause a lot of suffering in Democrat controlled areas.


- 3 years ago  

Ahhh. The far left’s grasp of the economy. Let’s create jobs by giving money to our friends. Fantasy planning.

Victor Cachat

- 3 years ago  

The manifold lies of the Biteme administration will surpass any Trump lies within 6 months. But the media will remain incurious.


- 3 years ago  

When he was vise-president he worked to put people to work? I remember out of the 8 years of the half-breeds time, I spent 2 years out of work and another year just fooling around. Corrupt pedophile joe has never done anything in his life except feed off of the people of this country. He has no record no mater how many different ways you want to say he does. I would say "you can't fix stupid" but is it stupid to steal your livelihood of the backs of others? It is not just him, his whole family has done this. Not to mention all the others doing the same thing. You barely squeak by and they eat lobster when they want. You do not have the gas, but they have a private plane and chauffeurs and guess who pays for that while you eat hamburger helper


- 3 years ago  

Biden will destroy our country as quickly as he can because he is a thief, liar, immoral sack of stale owl shit. Pond scum was Obama's answer. All those who can be bribed and corrupted already have been in our intelligence agencies and government. That was the carrot. Now we are seeing the stick come out. Threats of refusing to allow any of Trump supporters to get jobs, for example. The rest of us will be quarantined and allowed to work ONLY if we allow them to inoculate us with untested mRNA vaccines. The continued violation of our free speech rights. The deception of a pandemic that is more hoax than reality. Small businesses are being destroyed so that large corporations can control the economy completely. Now we see why these giants have supported this crap like same sex marriage. (Target, Chase bank, Nabisco, Kellogg's, etc.) The goal was to undermine the society by wiping out the family and morality. America then became easy prey as proven by this complacency about all this mask-wearing bullshit. No church worth its salt would have knelt to this violation of our God-given rights. Some have rebelled but not nearly enough. It is probably time to refresh your knowledge of God's Word and realize that this present darkness was predicted thousands of years ago.


- 3 years ago  

When he was vise-president he worked to put people to work? I remember out of the 8 years of the half-breeds time, I spent 2 years out of work and another year just fooling around. Corrupt pedophile joe has never done anything in his life except feed off of the people of this country. He has no record no mater how many different ways you want to say he does. I would say "you can't fix stupid" but is it stupid to steal your livelihood of the backs of others? It is not just him, his whole family has done this. Not to mention all the others doing the same thing. You barely squeak by and they eat lobster when they want. You do not have the gas, but they have a private plane and chauffeurs and guess who pays for that while you eat hamburger helper

My Brighteon Channel

- 3 years ago  

Kamala Harris will be President before we know it. Joe's brain continues to melt into the consistency of corned beef hash. She'll be worse than Joe because she is in-control of her overzealous prosecutor mind. She knows how to manipulate the laws to crush innocent people.


- 3 years ago  

When people are freezing to death, can't afford to drive to work, and can't buy food because the of the high price of shipping, the CCP Puppets will blame it on Trump and his white supremacist supporters. Intelligent people will know this is total BS. However, Democrat voters will eat it up with a spoon. Sadly, it looks like there are more of the them than there are of us. We believe in truth, science, and the importance of fossil fuels. They believe in unicorns, magical bunnies, and "the scientists." This will not go well for any of us.