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Tony HellerPLUS



Mission - Accomplished

  - 3:00

"British households were told on Friday that their power and gas bills will increase from Oct. 1 by 80%"






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August 27th 2022  

File Size: 36 MB

Category: Politics



- 2 years ago  

What all of you need to understand. I an not a subject. Neither are you a subject. These piss ants do not have the power over you. What happened to the guy in the back saying " get a rope" ???


- 2 years ago  

Amazing willingness to do outrageous evil to people must be a requirement to be a modern 'progressive' socialist communist, aka democrat.


- 2 years ago  

Wonder summary IceV


- 2 years ago  

The war on coal was started by Al Gore Jr but it was Barack Obama that killed off coal. Barack did this by not closing profitable coal mines but by using the EPA to close down coal fired power plants. During the Obama administration 290 US coal fired power plants were closed down and many dismantled, so as not to be modernized and revamped to burn cleaner. ————- China between 2009 to 2017 built near 500 new coal fired power plants and as of 2021 have over 1100 coal fired power plants. America today has maybe 200 operational coal fired power plants and India is closing in on 300 coal fired power plants, near 100 more than America. ————- Green solar and wind power didn’t replace coal fired power plant energy in America but fracked natural gas did. Coal in the 1990’s produced near 60% of our energy grid but today maybe produces 20 to 30%. Natural gas produced maybe 5 to 10% of our energy in the 2000’s but today outputs near 40% of our energy grid. ————- Even with our massive drop in American manmade CO2 output due to Obama, and the largest and only major significant drop of any major nation worldwide, China, India and the Far East are increasing their manmade CO2 output with far more manmade CO2 than we America have decreased. ————- Interestingly all this new manmade CO2 worldwide coming from China, India and the Far East is significantly greening the planet and not warming the planet. NASA notes the planet is 20 to 30% greener from 1960 imagery compared to 2020 satellite imagery. Crop yields doubled or tripled during that same period worldwide. The world’s population was 3 billion in the 1960’s and today in 2022 will hit 8 billion. Averaging another billion every 15 years. ————- Our mainstream media is paid to write fake stories that global warming is fast occurring but as Tony Heller publishes near daily on his YouTube channel, he proves without a doubt no such thing is occurring. Thank you Mr Heller. ————- From watching Mr Heller’s channel for some time now and at the same time watching mainstream media and reading the NY Times, I am alarmed by our Democratic Party’s lies and near cult like hold on Blue City Americans living in their cocoon like urban and suburban bubble. ————- I am convinced global warming is a cult and these green do gooders Greta Karen types and their dunce husbands who buy into this nonsense i. e. Boris Johnson, are deranged neurotic crazies who will bring the entire West crashing down unless stopped. With so many infected from childhood propaganda today, with this nonsensical madness, I have very little hope for freedom and the American way to remain strong in the near future. At 66, I watch it all unfold in amazed dismay. Thank goodness for Tony Heller and his constant barrage of weather truth telling. I’m also amazed by how many died before the 1950’s throughout all past history from weather extremes, again due to Mr Heller and his YouTube channel ———- Thank you Mr Heller for showing weather extremes were far worse prior to 1950’s in America and worldwide and we Americans should be extremely grateful for our past coal fired power plants ability to cool and heat our homes inexpensively and make us all prosper in America from the 1890’s to 2009. As America goes into Obama’s Green Utopia, I am fearful it will soon become a Green Gulag and we the American citizens, its Green Concentration prisoners.


- 2 years ago  

Stated perfectly. We're on the runaway train to self-destruction. I'm not even sure we have the power to stop it. Who has faith in our election process? Not me.


- 2 years ago  
