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Tony HellerPLUS



Sentient Media - "The far-right has always championed farmers," Monbiot explains. "As with the current situation in the Netherlands, some farmers have happily embraced that and have joined forces, quite explicitly, with the white supremacists and fascists who claim to be defending [them]." 10/11

  - 1:10

Originally uploaded to by Sentient Media "The far-right has always championed farmers," Monbiot explains. "As with the current situation in the Netherlands, some farmers have happily embraced that and have joined forces, quite explicitly, with the white supremacists and fascists who claim to be defending [them]." 10/11






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February 18th 2023  

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- a year ago  

Liberalism is a mental disease. Liberal, progressive, Democrat=enemy.


- a year ago  

A cocksure academic, having absolute belief in his junk science, can't possibly do any harm. Does anybody remember Pol Pot?


- a year ago  

It's Bizarro World. How do these people not realize that treating people differently in ANY way because of their color or ethnicity is the exact definition of racism??? How can they hear about the "public/private partnerships" that all their idols who meet at the WEF constantly talk about, and not realize that that is the exact definition of fascism????


- a year ago  

I am Dutch. And proud of our farmers. These people (as in the video) are responsible for the decline of human society. Famine will come. Let them eat ze bugs. Will they be held responsible ? I guess not. Look at history.


- a year ago  

Commies love giving away free stuff... just not their stuff; YOUR stuff.


- a year ago  

Farmers work to feed the world's population. Filthy commies work to slaughter the world's population by the billions.


- a year ago  

Except they are not communist. They are pushing for a one-world government that is made up of a merger of international corporations and government. A militarized corporate state. That is Facism. Not communism.


- a year ago  

So this guy "Moonbat" (is that how you pronounce his name?) says I'm a white supremacist fascist because I support farmers and livestock raising? He presents theories w/o facts and wears wool and is seemingly in bed with the wef based on his words. Alrighty then...


- a year ago  

All who disagree with him are apparently white supremacist fascists. Aren't we as sick of this ad hominem BS as we are of the pseudo-scientific garbage which these charlatans have been peddling for the past thirty years, with not a single correct prediction in all that time? We disagree with the destruction of the energy industry, and now farming, not for political reasons, but because the underpinning 'science' is theoretical nonsense, supported only by blatant fraud and malfeasance.


- a year ago  

They call people racist and fascist because that is exactly what they are. It's so obvious that Helen Keller could see it.


- a year ago  

Rubbish! It is an over-worked litany which idiots who think ad hominem is a valid argument use to label anybody they disagree with, for the sole purpose of suppressing debate. It is the heavy handed behaviour of the Dutch government which is overtly fascist, based on the crap science this twit endorses.