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Tony HellerPLUS



CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite (April 3, 1980)

  - 29:32

Originally uploaded to by pannoni 8 The ongoing Iran Hostage Crisis, surgery for Iran's Shah, numerous nations boycotting of the Moscow Summer Olympic Games, hostages in Colombia, the FY 1981 budget for the US Government, new mortgages, a drop in auto sales, a brief stock market summary, a House subcommittee on the Three Mile Island accident, a warning for a major eruption at Mt. Saint Helens, why coal and other greenhouse gases could lead to a warming planet, a railroad accident in Boston, a death notice of former Supreme Court justice Stanley Reed, Bert Lance acquitted of some major charges, and the latest on Ronald Reagan's bid for the presidency.






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December 6th 2021  

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- 2 years ago  

Were all the colors in the real world unsaturated and subdued with more of a brownish tinge in the 70's, or is it just the old film?


- 2 years ago  

CO2 is not a pollutant! All life on Earth needs this gas to survive!!


- 2 years ago  

The birth of global balmy or “ the bogus Greenhouse Effect caused by CO2” as broadcast by Walter Cronkite April 3rd, 1980. At timeline 13:04 to 15:40 ————- “Coal the worst culprit and oil and natural gas to a lesser extent are the cause of this extra manmade CO2.” Paul Tsongas Democrat Massachusetts head of the Department of US ENERGY Commission led the warning about this “Greenhouse Effect” that might cause the melting of the polar ice caps and inundate Washington DC, Miami, New Orleans and worse his home town Boston. Gordon McDonald Chief Scientist Mitre Corp stated one model showed Washington DC 9C degrees warmer or 16F warmer than current summers. Some predictions he stated due to the doubling of Carbon Dioxide put in question agricultural, energy needs and land use. One scientist put it in biblical terms citing the story of Noah in the Old Testament. Noah new trouble was coming and prepared for it. ————- Thanks Mr. Heller for this video, showing on this date April 3rd was ground zero and may be the earliest mention of global balmy ever. I noted it was brought up by Tsongas a Democrat who head up the Department of ENERGY. This broadcast report should have occurred on April 1st two days earlier on April Fools day as that would have been more appropriate in my view. ————- We live in an autocratic idiocracy thanks to the Democrats.