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Tony HellerPLUS



Kyle Mann - For just $8 a month, you can sponsor a liberal. via @TheBabylonBee

  - 2:02

Originally uploaded to by Kyle Mann For just $8 a month, you can sponsor a liberal. via @TheBabylonBee






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Uploaded a year ago  

April 21st 2023  

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All is for YOUR Glory

- a year ago  

Brilliant 😂


- a year ago  

Made me laugh Tony. ———— I’ve watched YouTube this morning and leave this hypocrisy below for anyone that bored to read on. ————- The American Green dream is about automating and crushing conservatives out of existence. Starting with NAFTA in the 1990’s it first extinguished over a million American steel worker and manufacturing jobs all sent overseas, second a million jobs destroyed in the coal fired power plant industry extinguished by Obama Biden administration and next in the crosshairs are the 3.5 million don’t tread on me truck drivers to be automated out of existence by AI Electric driverless trucks. —————- China is the world’s superpower in manufacturing, manufacturing America’s Green New Deal pushing exclusively Wind and Solar passive energy technology. ————- China’s CCP state controlled business own 7 of the 10 biggest Wind Turbine manufacturing firms and Chinese firms manufacture near 90% of America’s solar panels, yet mainland China itself is building 2 new coal fired power plants a week and plans to continue this pace until 2030. ————— China since the 1990’s has built over 1100 new coal fired power plants achieving the most reliable and inexpensive power grid based nearly solely (80%) on coal, of any nation in the world. America once had over 500 coal fired power plants but the Obama-Biden administrations have closed near 300. ————— China is the envy of every modern nation today if these Western nations weren’t mad with global warming hysteria and part of that nonsensical End-Of-The-World cult. ————- At 66 I lived through the 1990’s and 2000’s when Nobel Peace prize global balmy “Inconvenient Truth” Al Gore Jr prophesied the end of snow and ice free poles summers by 2014. The ice in the poles got bigger summers in the 2010’s to today and Billions more metric tons of ice and snow got added to frigid Greenland annually since Gore falsely prophesied the end of snow in that “Inconsequential and Ill-conceived untruthful” movie. ————- China is in it to win it economically and are because they rely on inexpensive and abundant coal. They are winning the economic war and are richer than America, plus with all their extra manmade CO2 they are making the planet worldwide greener. NASA satellite imagery notes the planet is 20 to 30% greener since the 1960’s. —————- I kneel like Nancy ‘Roots’ Pelosi but to China for embracing coal and making the planet a greener place to live. China by going with coal for its electric power grid needs is the sole manufacturing superpower worldwide and making the world go green, I’m green with envy.