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Tony HellerPLUS



The End Of Corn

  - 2:58

“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue" - Richard Horton Lancet Editor






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June 1st 2022  

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Category: Politics



- 2 years ago  

Fabulous information and still, my sleeping friends continue to snore. Thanks, Tony. Your videos are always a breath of fresh air-- cool, carbon rich, plant loving aire.


- 2 years ago  

I appreciate Tony Heller explaining historically how CO2 naturally or man made has made the planet greener but as for incinerating us I think not. Crop yields have peaked as Tony points out. Why Google prints these stories portraying the opposite of what is really happening is so bizarre. Thanks Mr. Heller for pointing out this Google articles blatant disinformation. Yes manmade CO2 is rising jumping from 150 ppm back in the 1950’s to 440 ppm today 2022. Will CO2 rising incinerate the planet? Al Gore Jr says yes and by 2014 the poles would be ice free in summers. The poles are still unchanged ice isn’t thinner in the summer but in the past 10 years recently seen getting thicker. Greenland continues to have growing ice not diminishing ice and snow. The frost lines Fall and Spring across the US are coming earlier in Fall and later in Spring. The growing seasons are a bit shorter but not by much. The planet has become 20% greener and this can be traced to increased manmade CO2. Can this all be a bad thing? Crop yields have skyrocketed, yes helped by fossil fuel production of UREA to create fertilizer with nitrogen to name 1 of the 100,000’s of live saving properties due to fossil fuels. But overall more manmade CO2 is helping crop yields increase. Heck some greenhouses pump sometimes 1000 ppm CO2 into them to create shorter growing seasons and substantial increased crop yields. It is too costly to make CO2 to pump in 1500 ppm or more but if it wasn’t greenhouse owners would if they didn’t lose money making this manmade CO2 but at 1000 ppm it is cost effective to make manmade CO2 to pump into greenhouses. Yes mankind is changing our planets CO2 but America stopped being the main contributor and outputs not 10% in 2000 but 5% of the worldwide manmade CO2 today in 2022. China went from 5% in 2000 to 25% today 2022 and in 2030 will be at 30% output of the world’s manmade CO2. The mainstream media tell us that CO2 levels were never this high for millions of years and they are correct. But if you go back 100’s of millions of years ago and all the way back well before mankind existed 650 million years ago CO2 worldwide fluctuated many times between 1000 ppm and 7000 ppm naturally. Did the planet incinerate? No! Actually fossilized records show plants and animal species exploded worldwide both on land and sea when naturally occurring CO2 exceeded 1000 ppm. It did get about 10F warmer or balmy on average but life flourished, go to any old Natural Historical Museum to see for yourself all the fossilized records of plants and dinosaurs on land and sea during these times. Actual fossilized records explode only when naturally occurring CO2 went over 1000 ppm. So what does Mother Earth do when CO2 explodes past 1000 ppm for millions of years. It starts it’s own carbon capture method totally naturally and it’s called coal. First plant life must explode creating from approximately from every 1000’ of dropped leaves into bog like conditions a foot of peat. If this swampy peat is crushed into first lignite and then bituminous coal it takes approximately 10’ of crushed peat to create 1’ of coal or approximately 80% carbon captured coal. Some seams out west in Wyoming are 80 to 100 feet thick. In Australia they have lignite seam over 300’. It was a green planet whenever CO2 exceeded 1000 ppm! Eventually Mother Earth starts another ice age and some lasting longer than others and CO2 drops off to our current under 1000 ppm of today rate for millions of years. We may be in uncharted waters by man increasing manmade CO2 but will it incinerate us, I think not. Go to any Natural Historical Museum to view its fossilized records to know life explodes when the planets CO2 explodes.


- 2 years ago  

Another cause for the yield increase is use of GMO roundup ready varieties, along with the herbicide use to get rid of all competing plants. And the massive use of fossil fuel based nitrogen fertilizers instead of more sustainable and better for the soil traditional farming practices. The increases from these anyway, aren't likely to last long... once the soil is depleted of micronutrients and is too polluted for anything resembling a natural biome to ever become re-established.


- 2 years ago  

Google is FAKE NEWS


- 2 years ago  

our roomate's mom makes $72 an hour at home, she has been unemployed for two months and last month her check was $21204 just working at home two hours per day... go to this link >>>>>>>>>


- 2 years ago  

She must make a LOT of tips. Like over 16 grand in tips. Probably not "just the tip" with that amount of tips, if you know what I mean.


- 2 years ago  

Dr. Richard Feynman has it right.


- 2 years ago  

The very notion of science being a discipline that relies on provable and repeatable experimental data and objective reality may just be an oxymoronic illusion. Has science ever gotten it right? Not when politics (or religious fanaticism) is involved. Every scientific advancement has been met with rejection not just skepticism by the status quo. Now we have scientists lying through their teeth and it's hard to imagine they aren't aware of their deliberate deception. Either they're too stupid to recognize facts or just unethical. Either way they are not seekers of truth and should be ignored and treated as the ignorant or corrupted fools that they are.