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Joe Biden aka The Betrayer of Our Lord - Wants to MURDER PEOPLE over "climate change" (Mirrored)

  - 5:53

My name is Allaha, Creator of the heaven and the earth and the sea and the water springs, and that name 'God' is a reference to "Gadriel" the fallen angel who led Adam and Eve astray in the Paradise of Eden, and that is Satan that ancient serpent, the red dragon. The Hebrew version of One Enoch makes this distinction about the fallen angel. You know that demonic carnivorous creature from below as Joe Biden and his alternate identity is Donald Trump and also Ron Maysack, May-sack-you "You're fired!" - The apprentice. The Betrayer of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene IS none other than him and his offspring and his angels - demons. Moses confirmed this in the Judgement with a three point biometrics match (palm pattern, vein pattern, ear pattern.) The killers of mankind have been condemned in the Judgement of the world by Moses. Much of his work exposing those who were condemned is on this channel. Repent in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene! He is My Son that I sent to the world out of GREAT LOVE for mankind and His is the ONLY NAME given to humanity by which you receive the Covenant of Life! Amen. Hurry! The harvest of the children of the evil one that concludes this universe is at hand! Flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, you must perform the righteous works and the good deeds giving glory to Me the Allaha (Lifegiver) of Heaven. You cannot serve two masters. - Revelation 14 the evangelizing gospel at There's MANY universes yet to come. This universe here was just the first order of things and not the Life that We have always intended for you!






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July 16th 2022  

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