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EVERYTHING they said was a BIG FAKE LIE! - Dr. Paul Marick

  - 1:21

Source - The Vaccinated Fox - "The truth will come out; you can't hide it forever. And everything they have said, everything, from masks from lockdowns, from social distancing from vaccination from remdesivir, from paxlovid, is a big fat lie." "In the end I shall have them worshipping the Jews." - Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene. You are worshipping the Jews. Amen. You are worshipping the Jews which are the seed of the Liar from the beginning, Satan that ancient serpent aka Joe Biden/Donald Trump (same demon), and the Killer of mankind from the beginning, his son Caine, Hillary the Devil, who slew the One who was Able so that He could become King over all of them! Which "them" was it crucial to become the king over? The evil one and his angels which are demons that can appear like a human being. The killers of mankind have been condemned in the Judgement of the world by Moses who has risen! THEY KNOW EVERYTHING THAT IS COMING THEIR WAY, these evil workers of abomination, because while your faces have been turned away from Us, your Lifegiver, due to your sins, Maryah (the Lord) has been telling THEM EVERYTHING THAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO THEM! Your eyes are blinded and you harden your hearts and squeeze your ears shut when you are not in active daily repentance in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene because when Maryah is not guiding you, Satan is guiding you. You cannot serve two masters. You are serving Satan refusing to DO what has been commanded by your Maker. It's really that simple. K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Stupid: the most obvious answer is usually the correct one. You are worshipping the Jews because you do not know where you are going or where you came from. My Testimony is meant to help you to sin no more. Use it. Moses condemned the killers of mankind and they are scared of you because it's your destiny to bundle the weeds in Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene's barns for burning RIGHT NOW!






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