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EMERGENCY ALERT! SOUND THE ALARMS! The Vaccinated ARE THE PLAGUES of the Apocalypse Now! Time's up! Repent now!

  - 11:53

You HAVE BEEN under the plagues of the Apocalypse! It's ongoing unless and until you repent properly or get swept away into the sea of eternal hellfire here shortly! I am the Allaha of Heaven here to raise an Eternal Kingdom that shall stand forever, just like I said that I would, as recorded in Scripture the evangelizing gospel at The Book of Daniel 2:44. I have come to you as the Advocate Spirit of Truth here to advocate on behalf of mankind for the Kingdom of Heaven, just like I said that I would through the mouth of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene, as recorded in Scripture the evangelizing gospel at The Gospel of Youkhanna (John) Chapters 14-16. Flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, you must become triune like Us so that you are ready to become transformed into your glorified bodies as saints for the Rapture. Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene comes as the second angel of the Apocalypse right away when Babylon falls immediately as the New World Order pushes their "build back better" agenda of the Great Reset. You must become triune BEFORE Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene comes or risk being shut out of Heaven forever! The reapers have been sent to harvest all sinners. Amen.






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July 19th 2022  

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