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CONDEMNED by Moses in the Day of Judgement as the killers of mankind. Repent in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene! Amen. MISSING GIRL'S MOM ARRESTED FOR CHILD ABUSE Tuesday, November 22, 2011 GLENDALE, ARIZONA.Police on Monday arrested the mother of a missing 5 year old. Arizona girl on child abuse charges directly related to the girl, and said they don't believe they'll find the child alive. MISSING $11,000.00 REWARD Jerige Huer Jhessye Shockley 1-480-WITNESS or 911 The actor that plays Whoopi Goldberg is dancing for the Puppet Master once again. Just like she Michael Roork Dennis Rodman, and Eddie Murphy did back for the Jim Jones HOAX Jonestown massacre. We see Leon Greenberg or Keny Blumberg since they are twins we don't know which one is which Playing his role as well. He also plays the role of Benjamin Fulford. If you're keeping track that's a total of $136,000 in rewards that I should have for solving these cases but we know it's all MADE UP so no one ever gets any money..
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