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Is It Safe To Receive The Blood Of Those Who Had The Experimental Toxic Covid-19 Vax & Flu Vax?

  - 4:47

Short answer: NO BLOOD (except Mine) is "safe" for blood transfusions because you have ALL received the contaminants from the shots and the nephilim eggs too because it is being sprayed from overhead; further, it's in the snow and rain as well. You cannot escape the wrath of Allaha if you continue to refuse to obey Me your Maker and DO what you have ALL been commanded TO DO and DO IT right away. You must perform the righteous works and the good deeds giving glory to Allaha and worship the one Who created the heaven and the earth and the sea and the water springs. - The Book of Revelation, chapter fourteen from the evangelizing gospel. You cannot serve two masters. The workers of abomination and blasphemers are being removed from the earth forever. - One Enoch. The children of the evil one are being harvested to the sea of eternal hellfire. - The Testament of Matthew from the evangelizing gospel. Repent in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene! Amen. You ALL HEARD and FELT My Trumpet sound and shake the entire earth on January 22, 2017 at 3 a.m. MST. You have no excuse for your wickedness and Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene's finished work upon the Cross PLUS My Trumpet sounding made certain that you do not. VAXXED Blood - The Issue of Transfusions Sourced of - Biological Medicine - Should we have the right to refuse blood transfusion from the vaccinated for COVID-19 ? People who are vaccinated for COVID-19 can donate blood immediately or shortly after being vaccinated despite the fact that the experimental product may induce life-threatening disorders in the recipients. Mirrored The Mirror Project






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