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Sarita Sol



Unravelling of the great mistrust

  - 31:57

#trust #manifesting #healing How do we heal the deep mistrust issues that we are all holding and projecting onto one another and within ourselves? Join me in this live ceremony 28th Oct & 4th Nov Unravelling the great mistrust AN EMBODIED ONLINE CEREMONY Healing the masculine & feminine principals 2 Donation based live ceremonial experiences (join both or just one or other as you wish) via zoom, all welcome WHAT WE ARE DOING To acknowledge and unravel the unconscious behaviors, responses, pre perceptions and shadow of when the men and women in our lives have broken our trust and how we met that. We will be healing the deepest pain and pre expectation of betrayal with the masculine and feminine principals within ourselves and by doing so to heal it upon this planet. So that we can start to create our lives, our relationships and this new earth from authenticity and love. In each ceremony you will be working with either 8 men or 8 women in your life so have a think about whom this may be. Similarly if you are not sure which men and women to work with they will unfold during the process. WHAT TO BRING This is an embodied ceremonial walk and you will need to bring with you 2 small rocks/crystals or similar to walk around. A pad and a pen and you need about 3m by 1 m of space to do the work in. Bring your desire to heal and bring your presence and watch the miracles of change unfold in your life. WHEN AND WHERE Live Ceremony 1: Working in relationship with 8 men in our lives 5-7pm CET Saturday 28th October on line via zoom Live Ceremony 2: Working in relationship with 8 women in our lives 5-7pm CET Saturday 4th November on line via zoom HOW TO JOIN Please make a donation via the bottom of the homepage of You will then automatically be sent a link to both live workshops and you are welcome to come to either or both as you wish. or go to:






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