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  - 2:32

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Starting on January 2022, people can no longer enter any large surface stores in the province of Québec, in Canada, just like in the province of New Brunswick. Without a Covid Passport, no more Walmart, no more Reno Depot, Home Depot, No more Canadian Tire general store; But you can still buy cigarettes anywhere in Québec without a Covid Passport, because it's about your health, right. On New Year's eve, the province of Québec cancelled all parties and family reunions of over 6 people, with movie theaters back into shutdown, even with Covid passports, and restaurants going back to pickup only, with no more eating in. The province of Québec is going full on communist economic sabotage, as the rest of Canada. If you need to cohere the population into taking experimental injections, over another supposed Covid variant no more dangerous than the cold, than it becomes very suspicious, and it can't be very good. Never mind the secret undisclosed ingredients in those experimental Covid injections, or the thousands of vaccine death, and many more injuries. Something very criminal and sinister is going on, more reasons not to collaborate or comply with any governments pushing these dangerous experimental injections. QUÉBEC PREMIER FRANÇOIS LEGAULT CAUGHT ON HOT MIC LAUGHING ABOUT COVID MASKS: 1. 2. JIM JORDAN ON NATURAL IMMUNITY STUDY 27 TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE THAN VACCINES: 1. 2. 3. #QuebecCovid #FrancoisLegault #CanadaCovid #CovidScam #QuebecCoronavirus #Coronavirus






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January 15th 2022  

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- 2 years ago  

According to public official British numbers, 78% of new hospitalized Covid cases, are double vaccinated. Canada hides their official numbers, and instead prefer to push the panic hysteria with false Covid and Omicron numbers from flawed PCR tests, which according to the inventor Kary Mullis, were never made to isolate any specific viruses, and simply pick up on anything from the cold to any flu, while the regular seasonal flu and cold magically disappeared yet again from government statistics, and everything gets called Covid, Delta, Omicron, and every other imaginary variant name they can think of, with their medical fraud. But never mind the truth and science, lets just blame vaccine-free healthy people for being prudent with dangerous experimental injections, and being wiser than corrupt politicians and news media, bought out like prostitutes, by the big pharmaceutical criminal cabal. If it were up to me, all not immediate life saving injections should be outlawed, with preventive vaccination programs, totally abolished, and starting to trust more natural immunity antibodies, according to science, many times stronger than any vaccines.


- 2 years ago  

All Canadians have the constitutional right to refuse any medical treatments, without any prejudice, coercion, or harassment, including medical tests, and masks. Also all employers, businesses, or governments have no legal right to require any proof of vaccination or any other medical information, according to federal and provincial laws which protect medical information which is strictly private. Any discrimination based on medical status, race, gender, or age is totally illegal. Also, the inventor of the PCR test, which governments use to artificially inflate the number of Covid cases, Kary Mullis, said that his test is not made to detect any specific viruses, and the diagnosis of the number of Covid cases are flawed and extremely dishonest, fraudulently classifying all seasonal colds and flu cases in the Covid column. There is no Covid, no Delta variant, no Mu variant, no Beta variant, no Omicron variant, no Omega variant, and no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny variant. This is all BS, to enrich the shareholders of the big pharmaceutical companies, as well as several corrupt politicians and news media, with stolen taxpayer money, when no government in the world has ever been able to prove anything, in court, when challenged, by being unable to provide any sample of the Covid virus, or variant, isolated in a laboratory. The only truth is that these Covid injections, fraudulently labeled vaccines, are not real vaccines, but rather a dangerous experimental gene therapy, which in reality reduces the number of antibodies and the natural immune system, more powerful than any vaccines. In just four months, these Covid injections have caused more deaths and injuries than any other combined vaccines in the past 15 years, causing an epidemic of blood vessel blockage and heart attacks, even among sports athletes who collapsed on the ground, as well as the children. Ultimately, these Covid mandates are only recommendations, and certainly not laws, or regulations respecting constitutional rights, basic human rights, or even the Nuremberg Code; And all governments that act outside the law are outlaw criminals, and should be treated as such.


- 2 years ago  

Tout Canadiens ont le droit constitutionnel de refuser tous traitements médicaux, sans aucun préjudice, contrainte, ou harcèlement, y compris testes, et masques médicaux. Aussi toutes employeurs, commerces, ou gouvernements n'ont aucun droit légal d'exiger la moindre preuve de vaccination ou toutes autres informations médicales, selon des lois fédérales et provinciales qui protègent l'information médical qui est strictement privée. La moindre discrimination basé sur le statue médicale, la race, le sexe, ou l'age est totalement illégal. Aussi, l'inventeur du test PCR, dont les gouvernements se servent pour gonfler artificiellement le nombre de cas de Covid, Kary Mullis, a déclarer que son test n'est pas fait pour détecter le moindre virus spécifique, et les diagnostiques du nombre de cas de Covid sont faussés et extrêmement malhonnêtes, frauduleusement classant tout des cas de rhumes et grippe saisonnières dans la colonne Covid. Il n'y a pas de Covid, pas de variante Delta, pas de variante Mu, pas de variante Bêta, pas de variante Omicron, pas de variante Omega et pas de variante Père Noël ou Lapin de Pâques. C'est tout de la foutaise, pour enrichir les actionnaires des grandes sociétés pharmaceutiques, ainsi que plusieurs politiciens et médias de nouvelles corrompus, avec l'argent des contribuables volés, alors qu'aucun gouvernement au monde n'a jamais été en mesure de prouver quoi que ce soit, devant un tribunal, lorsque contesté, en étant incapable de fournir le moindre échantillon de virus Covid, ou variante, isolé dans un laboratoire. La seule vérité est que ces injections Covid, frauduleusement étiquetés vaccins, ne sont pas de vrais vaccines, mais plutôt une thérapie génétique dangereuse expérimental, qui en réalité réduit le nombre d'anticorps et le système immunitaire naturel, plus puissant que tout les vaccins. En seulement quatre mois, ces injection Covid ont causés plus de morts et de blessés, que tout les autres vaccins combinés durant les 15 dernières années, causant une épidémie de blocage des vaisseaux sanguins et crises cardiaques, même chez les athlètes sportifs qui s'effondre sur les terrains, ainsi que les enfants. Finalement, ces mandats Covid ne sont que des recommandations, et certainement pas des lois, ou règlements respectant les droits constitutionnels, les droits de l'homme fondamentaux, ou même le code de Nuremberg; Et tous gouvernements qui agissent en dehors de la loi, sont des criminels hors-la-loi, et doivent être traités comme tels.


- 2 years ago  

Vaccine-free healthy patriots get from corrupt Québec government the Nazi style collective punishment treatment, for not being obident sheep, and being wiser than their BS fraudulent Nazi style Covid narrative, while the Premier of Québec, François Legault, was recently forced to admit on his Facebook page, which he blocked me from, for telling the truth, that hospitalizations have sharply dropped and things are getting much better, despite their fraudulent PCR test numbers, and even dropping the ridiculous Nazi style curfew of arrested and fining thousands of dollars people outside without exception papers, between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m.