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Universities, Government and Media prepare for psychological war

  - 14:51






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

March 8th 2021  

File Size: 152 MB

Category: News

1 Comment

Pandoras Box

- 3 years ago  

Good find. That is well done. They have been using that type of garbage, right from the beginning on everyone. They started with fear and went from there. Fear is one of their main weapons. Anti Vax rates right up there anti Semitic. After a while it gets old and no one listens to it anymore. All one needs to do to get over the anti Vax bit, is to know just how deadly the vaccines are. They have been using the anti Vax trip for years. It doesn't hold much water anymore. The old fashioned saying is well you get the vaccine if you want and you will be safe. LOL Well if you don't die from it that is. It is a lot like playing Russian roulette. But hey make my day, get vaccinated. To each their own. If they get really nasty ask them what kind of lowers they would like on their grave, just in case they die from the vaccine. Just because you care about them so much. Remind them if they have life insurance odds are their family will not get any money, if they die from the vaccine. Because you care about their family. Make sure they check with their Life insurance company before getting the vaccine. Just to make them feel better on their death bed. I am guessing any type of disability insurance, would not pay out either. They might want to check that one as well, just in case they are disabled for life. Well doing that one is also because you care so much about them. They will need that insurance money, if they get some of those nasty side effects after all. Some are for the rest of their lives.