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Maddie-s Story Paralyzed from Covid Vax

  - 4:43

We are going to see a lot of this. The youngest to die is a two year old little girl. I think we need to gather as many stories about the trials on children as we can find. If anyone finds any other stories please let me know. Of all the people on this planet children have no need for these vaccines even if Covid was a real thing. They are not affected by it. They do not spread it. Odds of them dieing from it, are slim to none. Whoever approved trials on children need to be jailed for murder. They are testing on children as young as 6 months old. Covid vaccine trials have begun on children. This is the story of Maddie and the horrors she has endured and continues to endure following her inoculation. Please share her story so parents can see the dangers this vaccine poses to their children. With enough awareness maybe we can prevent another tragedy from happening and eliminate so much unnecessary suffering. This will probably be taken down soon. Posted April 15, 2021 From






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April 25th 2021  

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1 Comment

Dragon Slayer Intel

- 3 years ago  

To trust the current medical system as it is, is just plain stupid and rebellious to God. They do not keep you safe, they do not have any concern at all about your soul, or your ultimate fate. They don't even understand what they are doing most the time, largely guess work. These medical workers have all been trained up, by the controlling arm of big pharma. And in case anyone missed it, big pharma is part of that special group of eugenicist that serve Lucifer. You know the Evil one... Turn off the propaganda box, and work for the truth, the real. Or not, in which case you get to die twice, Body and Soul.. Seek the Lord, while you still can. Jesus !