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Pandoras Box



SHOCKING Americans Get Screwed Again-

  - 17:33

Dec 21, 2020 And the vaccines as not safe at all. Gill Gates should be in jail for crimes against humanity. His vaccines harmed almost 500,000 children in India alone. Add the rest of the children, he had done permanent damages and you probably have a few million. He does a bang up job of destroying the lives of children. In this video, they cover how Congress is helping the super rich, like Bill Gates, while screwing you over. SHOCKING: Americans Get Screwed Again! Visit MAIN SITE for more breaking news youtube






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December 21st 2020  

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- 3 years ago  

Why do people vote and support this piece of shit.... de blasio? How the fuck is he even relivent?

Pandoras Box

- 3 years ago  

The problem is I would say when people vote, they really have no idea about the candidates they are voting for. I have seen that in mnay elections. People have no idea about the person or their history. They just believe what is on the commercials on tv or whatever. On the other hand it could be that all the candidates are just crooks. One should find out everything about them, before voting for them. Tha can be said in any country I think. Like if you look through Boris Johnson's history I have no idea why anyone would vote for him. I know I never would have. He is pathetic and lazy among other things. He has always been, what I call insane/irresponsible. People never look however. I have seen a well educated candidate that would have been perfect for the job and was beat out a by a drunk that assaulted a police officer as well. He got elected. He is so daft it would make a body sick and not well educated at all. Why they elected him is beyond me. Beats me as to why people vote in stupid people. I have been asking myself that question for years.