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My Americana



US Supreme Court Has Ruled that the COVID19 INJECTIONS ARE PATHOGENS and are UNSAFE to take

  - 6:53

Published On July 28, 2021 They Are Injecting You With A Chemical To INDUCE Illness






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July 28th 2021  

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Category: Health And Wellness



- 3 years ago  

Good versus Evil, it's pretty obvious by now.


- 3 years ago  

Trying to talk my wife out of getting the shot. This may be the end of a 28 year marriage.


- 3 years ago  

Perhaps you can give more information on the supposed Supreme Court decision mentioned at the beginning of this video because I can find no corroborating information by doing an internet search.


- 3 years ago  

Then Why isn't the public being warned about it.

Anti Illuminati

- 3 years ago  

Manufacturing chaos for monetary gain. H1N1, Y2K. Drive that fear into your brain. The Mayan Calendar in 2012, Nuclear War and AIDS. Their god is of destruction. This is how their system preys. Patent the diesese. BioTech's become the latest weapon. Bring the world down to it's knees, Human Rights are what they're steppin' on. Soon, It'll all be gone. Devide the masses, the upper class is turning on itself. Support the Fascist, kill all the Pacifists, devide up their wealth. Distort all the facts, their bullshit attracts more flies from the lies in their words. Grab your rifles, click-clack. It's time to fight back. We won't comply and die to these nerds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Their plandemic is a capital offense. The real pandemic, is the spread of ignorance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rigging up the coin toss, The scales aren't the same. Lead and floride dumb us down, Take some more amphetamine. The Gregorian Calendar in 1582, contributes to confusion. No matter what they say and do, It's all part of this grand illusion. Patients drop like fleas. The proverbial collar around your neck. No vaccine could cure this sleeze. The human mind, left behind this wreckage. As they ignore the message. Devide up the rations. The elite factions will feast on the flesh of the poor. The latest attraction, keeps gaining traction, there's Tracers at your door. False reporting their actions. Resort to distractions. Obsessed by Mammon, the Whore. Ignore the contractions, we know what the fact is. I see that this act is what the world stage is for. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Their plandemic is a capital offense. The real pandemic, is the spread of ignorance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Written by: Michael Taylor July 8th. 2021 © 🧐 Fear weakens our immune system and can cause cardiovascular damage, gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome, and decreased fertility. It can lead to accelerated ageing and even premature death. What is really Killing us?? 🤔💡

Barbarossa 296

- 3 years ago  

Oh how the mighty have fallen! The Anglo-American Empire, the United States of America, the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave is now the Land of the Slave and the Home of the Coward! The degenerate Americans, bereft of their ancestors’ virtues, have allowed, even welcomed, their own demise. Their government, now thoroughly corrupt, is easily purchased by domestic and foreign powers. The checks and balances created by the Founding Fathers failed long ago. The Executive Branch writes its own laws and refuses to enforce those laws passed by the Legislature that it dislikes. It even ignores rulings by the courts that displease it. The Judicial Branch interprets law to give it meanings that the authors never intended. The Legislative Branch is reduced to passing bloated budgets, non-binding resolutions, and laws that do exactly the opposite of what they claim to do. Representatives represent any and everyone except their own citizens. The degenerate Americans ignore the Founding Fathers’ advice and warnings. No entangling alliances warned the Founding Fathers – yet NATO, founded in need but maintained in pride long after that need ended, consumes our honor, our lives, and our treasure while distracting from far more pressing needs at home. Keep no standing army warned the Founding Fathers – today our military numbers in the millions to maintain an empire and to oppress our citizens (just as our Founding Fathers feared). Maintain eternal vigilance advised the Founding Fathers – yet our citizens abdicated their indispensable role in government so long ago that they don’t even remember what that role was. In fact, most Americans are so ignorant of their own history that they believe fantasies and fictions that their ancestors would have laughed at. Freaks and perverts who were once relegated to circuses, mental institutions, and prisons now command admiration, power, and respect among the degenerate Americans. Their “men” are raised by Feminists and Marxist media, and educated in Marxist schools to hate themselves and everything masculine. “Conflict resolution” has replaced victory and right and wrong have been replaced by “tolerance”. Men’s roles as protector and provider have been ceded to the government. One cannot promote feminine men and masculine women and still produce masculine men. No wonder that our “Patriots” hesitate to act.

Anti Illuminati

- 3 years ago  

Spot On! ✌️🙏✌️


- 3 years ago  

Your undivided wall of text needs paragraph breaks.


- 3 years ago  

Barb.. damn, you hit it on the nail! I didn't read all at first but took a second look.. just the other day I was wondering why so many women were in such high positions,, well that's the right thing to do... then I thought things are going a little twisted... Ok.. See how it go's.. Then unusual things happen..(Protest) looting, burning, forests fires, rioting, free shopping under $990.00 where does this come from? Im not bashing women but many men don't have the balls as the early MAN of this Nation.