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Jeffrey Epstein’s Flight Logs and Black Book REVEALED + Hunter Biden’s Files REVEALED

  - 28:58

Published On January 15, 2021 Don't Bother sending a text the DEEPSTATE Deleted the information.






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January 17th 2021  

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- 3 years ago  

where is the film ffs what a tease text me ya right! then complain about the text over loading your shit! jack asses

Pandoras Box

- 3 years ago  

Fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported in the US. The VAERS tracking system, misses a lot of adverse affects. If it comes up blank, download it then read it. 55 People Died in US After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines: Reporting System Fifty-five people in the United States have died after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, according to reports submitted to a federal system. Deaths have occurred among people receiving both the Moderna and the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines, according to the reports. The reporting system, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), is a federal database. The system is passive, meaning reports aren’t automatically collected and must be filed. VAERS reports can be filed by anyone, including health care providers, patients, or family members. In addition to the deaths, people have reported 96 life-threatening events following COVID-19 vaccinations, as well as 24 permanent disabilities, 225 hospitalizations, and 1,388 emergency room visits. (As noted above Fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported in the US.) So I need someone to double check my math. This I am rounding off a bit to make things simple. So I used 1 percent instead of less then of reported cases. So if you have 55 that died that would actually be 5,500 that died. Give or take a few. Got to work with the data we have right. They said that in the US so far they have given out 10 million vaccines. Not that all of those were actually taken by people as many are refusing to take it. But for this we will say that 10 million actually got the vaccine. Now if 7 billion people were vaccinated. The numbers would look like this. Based on the data. This is my so called model which is probably more accurate then Neil Ferguson's from the Imperial College in the UK. This was my end conclusion. World wide 3,850,000 would die. 1,680,000 would be permanently disabled. 17,500,000 would be in hospital. Now some may die and some may be permanently disabled., They would not know that for a while. So there is a lot of potential there. 97,160,000 would end up in the emergency room. Based on the data we have on hand that is. That is for the first shot. Then they have to go for shot number two, which is much worse we have been told.


- 3 years ago  

Nothing will happen