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Johnny and Joe time



Pandemic of the Vaccinated in Europe after the computer glitch fixed…so the pandemic IS a computer simulation Really…did you now tell the Vaccinated to stay away from all stores, hospitals, restaurants, and away from the Unvaccinated. Australia health minister read on TV by accident that 128 serious Covid patients are in ICU, 1 Unvaccinated. That was the true and real numbers that can be extrapolated all over the world. And only a few actually had the bad cold, the rest were misdiagnosed and in for other things. Nobody has ever died of the COVID-19 that had less than 3 morbidities. In other words it is just a regular damn flu. Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Trump, other radio hosts and most of all a Funeral Home director that spoke about how many young people are being buried from the injections, were all Poisoned. Do you know anyone that is almost dead exclusively from some flu going around. Not too many I will bet. That is Not a Pandemic. No measures ever needed nor would they ever work. Of course if you could multiply by 2 32 times you would know this was over in March 2020 when the Lockdowns etc started. UK has now said 300 people die per year of Covid 19. And they were all obese. Let’s kill 1000s of people with Masks and 10000 with jabs and destroy our economy and bankrupt us to save 300 people a year. Yeah, that’s the ticket. This entire thing is in a computer, a simulation, an AI super computer managed hoax, a computer Model Pandemic, psychological techno spyop and at times it has glitches and glimpses of the truth slip out, like the Glitch in the Matrix program when the identical cat appears twice signifying a fix in the code. All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts, WS






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January 31st 2022  

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