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Johnny and Joe time



Soccer Player In Europe announces He will NOT TAKE the SHOT

Podolski of the German National Soccer Team says since announcing that he will not take the Experimental shot, he has become Europe’s most wanted Criminal. Before this, nobody in the west even knew his name. Most Interestingly and notable is the explanation Podolski has given for not being Coerced into the experimental shot. He says he was never trained as an executioner and knows he is required to kill those that break the Nuremberg code. At this point he prefers to not do the dirty work and let everyone else do the killing of the injectors, the media and the leaders of Europe that openly break the Nuremberg code. He will be taking a reeducation class on using Guillotines, Guns and knives at The Hague along with Ronaldo and Djokovic, and Irving so when his time comes he will help out with the scourge of Nuremberg violators. This article on Podolski is on RT and has been censored all over the world. LTE that if someone gives you a death threat and you tell police and they refuse to accost the perpetrator, you can kill that person, of course, get on tape and witness of the threat.






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

October 31st 2021  

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