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Johnny and Joe time



Moon…There are no stars…not even George Clooney This video debunks all moon conspiracies. The picture is a mock up using the exact camera used on the moon. After developing the pictures there were no stars but the photographer SAID it was a clear night and there were lots of stars. Proving the aperture setting would not allow the picking up of stars. Ladies and Gentlemen, I implore you I can take pictures with my shitty IPAd and pick up stars but this picture of this SCENE shows NO STARS so of course the camera picks up no stars. But he SAYS there were stars and I should believe him. What an idiot Now if this is not enough lunacy to prove the moon is faked and he just made a mistake not realizing he should have shown a picture showing stars like my shitty iPad would show of a scene like this if there were stars, then I ask why didn’t the AstroNOTS take pics of millions of stars when the sun was down. We have all looked up on super clear nights and the sky is lit up with millions of stars, heck that’s why we sent up rockets to see and reach for these stars. Not one picture from inside the capsules showing every star and Jupiter and mars so clearly taken with such a great camera and film. Let’s go Brandon






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February 7th 2023  

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