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Johnny and Joe time



If you know Math you know there was no virus, multiply by 2 40 times, on the count of SIX you are awake!

Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson did not pass grade 7 math. For this reason they believe there was a Virus and Evil ones are using it as an excuse to take over. Multiply a contageous group of people times 2 every day for a month and the entire world be infected, by the 4th month everyone would be infected 100s of times and its over. To understand mind control, you must count to 6 and then you are awake. Just test the water by putting your little little toe in first. The Real Paul Mccartney had 5 toes and could sing beautifully and was humble, sweet, cute, and brought Joy you could see and feel it through his performing. He wore heeled shoes and stood an Inch shorter than John, in the Abby Road pic, Faul had to be barefoot to appear Shorter than John. Get the picture? There are no coincidences, everything is done for a reason, as I am sure you all know by now! RIP JPM






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

September 30th 2021  

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