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Johnny and Joe time



Napolitano Continued from previous blog…It’s about Stupid Policy Stupid…Trump is their Patsy Distraction

So as we discussed the Deep State does not want Desantis, then why wouldn’t the Deep State just control Desantis if he ran and won. If Trump runs as a defective personality, the machinery of the Deep State democrats still has to cheat massively for Biden to win so does it matter if they cheat Trump or Desantis, the end result is the same, deep state wins. No The big difference is that many real voters will come against Trumps personality as it is whipped up in the media and yes it is not enough and cheating will happen but in the MK ultra minds of all Voters, in the back of their minds they feel Trump legitimately may have lost or deserved to lose. But if Desantis runs and it will only be about policy, they will have to cheat so much and very few will believe Biden could win on Policy and personality. A ton of cheating is necessary but in the back of everyone’s mind is Desantis should have won. This would not sit well and the Many could but not necessarily begin to openly fight against the few and the obvious terrible Biden policy could not survive any discussion. So, say Desantis was allowed to win, but as we know he could be well controlled by the Deep State. So what is the difference who has the presidency, Biden or Desantis? Well, here it is. Every American knows that the win is about POLICY not Personality Therefore they would HAVE to Institute Desantis POLICY or face a real Physical Insurrection of which they would Lose. And that is NOT what they are going to do They will continue with the Destruction of America and the World and only an Idiot Distraction like Trump is big enough to let them get away with ending humanity and society as we know it. I fault Trump, Alex Jones, Roger Stone, Tucker Carlson, MTG…for either not seeing this or deliberately being part of it. Wake UP Thank You Judge Napolitano






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April 4th 2023  

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