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Johnny and Joe time



Hey Fauci…Read Pfizers data 42000 injected 1200 immediately dead

That is not a Conspiracy Theory you Genocidal Maniac That is Factory not Theory you Fuckhead Plus there are now 4000 dead from that group and 8000 severely wounded and 85 percent with other issues and ongoing issues. Nobody should ever take this crap unless they want a severe reaction or death. I will come and inject you with your own shots, 5 of them and watch you fucking die you Hitler (sorry for being a Tad Insulting to Adolf) Of course Nobody in the world understands what the 42000n is on Pfizer’s data. It’s all redacted. Nobody asks. But I know cause I know math and it’s right there. They start by saying events are Underreported by 15 times. Then they say 2 percent of events are mild site pain totalling 50000. So total events are 50 x 50000 = 2,500,000 4 events per person so 2500000/4 = 625000 people But the kicker is that the 42000 bad reactions are under reported by 15 times so actual is 15 x 42000 = 625000 people Or just divide the 625000 people by 15 to get back to the normalized 42000 so this number takes into consideration the under reporting by dividing out. So 1200 deaths in 42000 people, or 15 x 1200 deaths in 15 x 42000 people expanding out the under reported. It’s all an evil game with them to hide the truth in plain site. Canadian Judge “So as Minister of Health you never considered the Negative Medical effects of masking, locking down, isolating everyone, injecting everyone” No your Honour Italian Judge “This Injecting, Coercing is the stuff of Nazi Germany”






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January 8th 2023  

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