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Johnny and Joe time



Alex Jones didn’t get the memo…war is over

Alex is pushing Fear like it’s Gold, he sells product based on fear. Works with main stream hyping the War Hasn’t mentioned the Truce all over the world between Globalists and the Virus. Virus has signed that it will stop infecting all over world at the same time all over world hence media has announced the same date that Masks can be taken off everywhere. The Virus tends to negotiate in good conscience despite its notorious beginnings. Alex has never discussed certain conspiracies like these and I wonder why. Hoax Moon landings Lost directions to the moon so can’t go back Landing on Mars but can’t go within 238000 miles of Moon All equipment will fry if we go more than 400 miles from earth. The virus is fake, him and all his guests are almost dead from it apparently There is nothing to fear Nuclear weapons do not exist There are nowhere near 8 billion people Where are all the billions of graves Chemtrails are at a specific height and none of your experts have a clue Alex tells us that nobody knows math because if you did you would know there is no virus and no fear Faul Mcartney has six toes Roger Federer and Rafa and Gretzky are globalist cheaters






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

February 25th 2022  

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