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Johnny and Joe time



He was injected…all the greatest most influential humans just die suddenly Man you believe anything All are killed by around 28 or around 50 McCartney was killed at 28 Lennon was killed at 40 Harrison was killed at 56 Sutcliff (original Silver Beatle) Presley 40 Presley 52 get it Jackson 50 Bopper Holly Valens Otis Hendrix Joplin Morrisson Then look at Assassinations of influential people Then look at Mysterious deaths of influential people Wake up to evil. JFK JFKJ MLK Lincoln Now just look at the names of the people dead from the shots There are so many but from the beginning they were being Blatant about their Evil 1 William Shakespeare (to be or not to be) 2 Tiffany Dover 3 Hank Aaron 20000001 Cheers Christie Allie Then look at Clintoncides Wake up Kobe Denver Sonny These people would not cave in and lived by their own Beat and paid the debt we all eventually pay And the assholes live forever after all as a member of the “club” they got the Anti Spike shot so they never get or die of a diseas Rockefeller 102 Kissinger 101 and counting Queen 96 Queen mom 100 Baba Wawa 94 Interesting that Mr Free Speech Alex Jones never ever mentions the top facial recognition Court approved Italian scientists who have guaranteed that 1965 Paul is not 1967 Paul. Faul McCartney is at the tip of the Pyramid of Illuminati. Most recently told us all that our climate is in crisis because of you and Bugs are best and he runs weather control and his songs were the best and John was sad about that and the cute Beatle is the Ugly one hmm and Eastwood had a billion dollars of her own and he wants Johns name behind his now and a picture of Faul in sandals shows 6 toes and only Alistair Crowley had six toes, Paul had 5, but I digress. Someone’s knocking at the door, wake up, Mary had a little lamb Slaughtered.






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January 5th 2023  

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