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Johnny and Joe time



Virus and Vaccine Vaccines came out of the occurrence of smallpox. The pox resulted in infected puss modules. Injecting, rubbing and eating the puss by uninfected subjects resulted in immunity to the Smallpox. Sounds a lot like Mouse Puss injected called Regeneron. The Corona virus rarely creates an active infected area to be used for immunity. The reason is the Corona virus is a life virus, meaning it is part of our being, our natural life cycle, our body copes with it, it does not cause great infection nor localized infection areas. In other words it poses little danger to our body, specifically to a healthy body. Any cold or flu delivered to a deficient body causes harm. So, a disinfectant steroid is needed like Ivermectin and budesynol. Or natural Vitamins injected like D and C and Zinc. We need and live with the common cold and flu, and we can then handle an Influenza which Covid is NOT. The concept of telling our body not to accept the common cold by placing repelling spikes around cells will destroy our ability to ever repel a virus. It will eventually cause a virus to mutate in desperate ways to get around the spike repellers, forcing the creation of a Super Virus. Your body will not cope with it. Don’t get the shot. Stay away from those that had a shot. I don’t know how to reverse out the results of these spike proteins and of the clotting results from trillions of prion pieces in the blood.






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

August 30th 2021  

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