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Johnny and Joe time



Scary…Ukraine has BIO weapon Virus Labs all over it all put there by CDC

When we all heard that another Virus was coming from China in 2019 we all wondered why something wasn’t done about it. Then we found out it was deliberately created in a lab and nothing was done about the lab. Then we heard it was Fauci, the NIH and Obama working on gain of Function illegal virus manufacturing in Carolina and shipping it to China Wuhan, illegally, and nothing was done about it, Then we heard that Faucis Moderna created COVID-19 in 2015 illegal gain of function in the US and they patented this illegal man made virus prior to having it released in China, and nothing was done about it. Then Pfizer releases the data on the shots that 5 percent die immediately, 25 percent almost fatal, 80 percent terrible reactions and the Nobel Prize virologist says everyone that got a full real dose will be dead in 3 years, and nothing has been done about it. We have confirmed that all media was paid by all governments with our money to fire anyone that says a single negative word about the shots that kill everyone, nothing is done. We confirm that governments are pitting everyone against everyone, putting deadly toxins in the air, the earth, the food, the water, putting men in women’s sports, burning down institutions, making crazy language changes, letting dangerous criminals run free and imprisoning peace makers and freedom lovers, and nothing is done about it. Maybe Russia is about to do something about it.






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March 5th 2022  

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