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Johnny and Joe time




I became aware of the Chinese virus in January and have followed it since as you probably have too. Knowing the extreme Censorship in Communism, I am skeptical of what they let out, I am also skeptical of anything I see or read from media of all sorts. It was clear that the videos I saw of Doctors trying to get the truth out, people being dragged were all staged. China is not a good place for quality Hollywood filming. The media in North America exploited it without verification. This had to be the start of a major operation at the highest levels. We have all seen media act as parrots with the same story, same talking points, all at the exact same time, indicating total control of a message for a preconceived agenda(s). Once they said it's a Virus, we are all reminded of the Chinese Pig flu, Asian flu, Bird flu, ... All from China, all preventable with normal human eating standards. 100s and 1000s of supposed infected Chinese landed early December all over North America. At this point they decided this could be dangerous, could be very contagious. Info from China that it isn't transmissible human to human, then later it is, Democrats saying hug an infected chinaman it's safe, right through February. Trump saying block flights from China in January, WHO and UN saying don't block. At this point there is no truth, but there is Fear. By February they say there is transmission, it is a souped up common cold corona virus made in USA and shipped to China, could be very dangerous and contagious. STOP Facts as I see them and I posted on February 20 If there is a virus that is very contagious, and they guarantee early December it was in North America by the 100s or 1000s, the rate of spread is doubling every day, after a few weeks, every 3 days, by February the entire world would have been affected 5 times over. No surge, no deaths of healthy people, no plague, Fake, Fake, Fake, Moral of the story : Learn to multiply.






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

April 28th 2020  

Category: Health And Wellness


Johnny and Joe time

- 4 years ago  

Check the Dead Zone TV show a few years ago, it is EXACTLY what we just lived through, word for word, holly weird does it again, even better than the Moon Landing, There are WMDs.


- 4 years ago  

Yes. What's with all these Chinaphobes?? In OCTOBER 2019, a meeting was held by Johns Hopkins Centre, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum, and MPH, in NEW YORK, to present a simulation of a NOVEL CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC which spreads around the world. Read that again. OCTOBER 2019! In NEW YORK! WHY are they talking about a pandemic 2 months BEFORE the first cases in Wuhan? THIS Event 201 is Ground Zero of the fake 'pandemic'! Wuhan is NOT Ground Zero. All those present at that meeting deliberately set up this fake 'pandemic' so they could completely control us and our lives.

Johnny and Joe time

- 4 years ago  

If there was a virus, it would have run 10 times through the worlds population by the end of March. No surge, year over year deaths will not statistically change, the authoritarians have duped us.