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Johnny and Joe time



Roger Federer in front of the Djokovic Prison

Not even wearing a mask. Roger wants Djokovic permanently banned from the Australian Open so Djokovic does not break the Grand slam record. Djokovic was disqualified from the US open for no reason last year. Much of what is going on in the world is about the Power of Djokovic world wide and his honesty and messages. The forces of evil are unleashed to fire bomb the strength of Djokovic. Rafizer Nadal has spewed his lethal injection message non stop since they Baited and Switched the Djokovic exemption. They waited till Djokovic was on the plane before they started the rhetoric against him. Enjoy the show, the forces of good and evil are clashing now. This is the main event, no others, I know this because I knew it 18 years ago when I heard the name DJOKOVIC. I don’t understand when or why or how I receive these messages, but when I do, very very big things happen, and I feel it, and it’s scary. Even Alex Jones has been calling Djokovic the most important person in the world. Alex follows everything I post. I posted on Infowars about Roger Federer and was permanently banned. Hmmmm You can see evil in Rogers eyes and eyebrows. I told you about Djokovic Years ago and here we are. Stay tuned






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January 7th 2022  

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