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Johnny and Joe time



BREAKING NOV 8 : They are Dropping like flies, for no reason … right, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome SAD

Nov 8 World’s Top Static Freediver Diagnosed With Myocarditis After Taking Pfizer Vax – May End His Career Nov 5 : 2 more rescue helicopters when prior to injections there was NEVER rescue helicopters. 2 people found dead for no reason at different locations in Madeira today. Passenger 50 found dead in his seat fully vaxed, Istanbul to Germany Jake Kazmarek: 28-year-old New York bodybuilder says ... Dead Icelandic Soccer Player, 28, Requires Resuscitation After Heart Stops Mid-Game Jimmy Hayes, former NHL player and NCAA star, dies at 31 › jimmy-hayes-death-nhl-1.6150504 Aug 23, 2021 — Jimmy Hayes, who won a national hockey championship at Boston College and played seven seasons in the NHL, has died. He was 31. It was subsequently reported that Aguero had suffered a heart arrhythmia and will be out of action for three months after undergoing a “cardiological evaluation.” Average man lays down in middle of road and is taken to hospital. They have no idea what’s wrong with him. Right I am seeing 2 helicopters whisking dead people everywhere, ambulances everywhere but the president says take the booster and learn to live with it. Slovak Player Boris Sádecký Passes Away | The Hockey News on Sports Illustrated Son dies 3 days after injection Serbian family of 3 die same day, all with medical issues, all vaxed. Same day death is a puzzle. Right. Absolute blackout when people are found dead. We know they have all had the shots and it cannot be the shots,Oh, nonono. 80 percent of Covid deaths are double injected. I have never dreamed there could be such evil but here it is.






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November 2nd 2021  

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