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Johnny and Joe time



S O S Message from the Highest of the High S O S

Under The Charter of rights, Trudeau says, and the Charter does say it, if a Majority of people decide to Kill a Minority in cold blood it is acceptable. So, Trudeau will always start or end a statement with ‘it’s a minority’. He said this recently in Parliament and he will tell you that you are a minority, and kill you. Many many have been killed by the shots and they are the minority as they always will be. Truckers, this is war, you are facing Pure Evil down. Recall Lieutenant General Romeo Dallaire's book about the atrocities which occurred in Rwanda in 1994. He witnessed a genocide of one million Tootsies in 22 days. This was more organized than the Death camps in Germany. The General asked for help to stop the Genocide. The Queen said she would do nothing as did everyone else the General spoke to. He was forced to Negotiate directly with a man of Pure evil. When he shook his hand to agree to save 1000 people, he said it was like Shaking Hands with the Devil. The hand was cold and lifeless. Recall Trudeau said that all Carbon must be eliminated. That is you. You are the emitter, you are the Virus, you are and will be the Minority. TRUCKERS We are with you. This is the Hill to die on. The World and Humanity is at stake. There are no higher stakes at this Poker game. The Enemy will not waver, the enemy will lie, the enemy will cheat, the enemy will deceive, the enemy will not negotiate, the enemy will not back off, the enemy will never go away, there is no reasoning with the enemy. When there isn’t Reason There is War. For War never has Reason DEAR CONVOY OUR FUTURE IS IN YOUR HANDS If the Commonwealth lasts for a thousand years men will still say “this was their finest hour”






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January 29th 2022  

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