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Johnny and Joe time



Tiffany Dover is Dead…WHO THE FUCK IS THIS…maybe I will have a radical makeover to believe This imposter admits she is an imposter. “Obviously I am alive and you all can see that (True) but “maybe you will believe me” that whoever you are is alive Yes we believe But obviously you don’t address the fact that you look totally different and you were behind a mask and don’t show another pic at that time so we can verify it is you live and matching the person behind the mask. And why come out now to clear her name when she could have long ago. Now, if this is in fact the same person which is possible although totally illogical to come out now, looking so different, we must ask why the new version has so much makeup and has Hazel green eyes and has a sloping back forehead and parts her hair in the middle and looks SO puffed up and heavy As if she is on A lot of Drugs. This effect is caused by very strong Lithium and strong steroid types of drugs. So if it is her we can see she is being kept alive by Steroids and any of you being treated for shot poisoning know that this is what you would be given. And it took years to stabilize her condition to appear. Maybe we will see the real Hamlin in 2 years all puffed out wearing make up and saying the same illogical garbage. But this I know You will never see Tiffany working as a nurse again and you will never see Hamlin playing football again. At best they have been lobotomized as far as their lives go and at worst they are deader than door nails. Sorry for the news And that’s the way it is Wednesday April 12, 2023 This is Walter Cronkite Goodnight Hmmm Replaced by Dan Rather not Believe a word he says All of them criminals All the world is a stage There are no exceptions There are no coincidences You folks believe anything on the media Wake up or go Woke and Broke You have been A.I.d Again and Again






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Uploaded a year ago  

April 12th 2023  



- a year ago  

The blond Tiffany looks around 5'8 or taller while the original Tiffany is about chest level to the guys who helped her when she collapsed - maybe 5'2 to 5'4....

Johnny and Joe time

- a year ago  

The imposter is just an Animation