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Johnny and Joe time



I have written much about J Paul McCartney not Sir Paul McCartney Here’s another Clue for you all The Walrus was Paul Murdered in 1966 Aside from a 515 page legal testimonial written by a Lawyer infused with Proof by the Top COURT Facial Recognition SCIENTISTS that Paul 1966 was not Paul 1967, you have to ask the simple question. There has never been any such thing as a music group refusing ever to appear or play again, ever. Their supposed buyout was fine and they all got a lot of money and future royalties so why exactly would they never have considered playing again. Apparently offers were flowing in for a one hour performance for over 200 million dollars. On Johns assassination he was supposedly worth barely 40 million. The Hatred between Randy Bachman and Burton Cummings was very clear with very hard rooted reasons but they got together. Answer Legally the 3 Beatles George, Ringo, John could not be called the Beatles without James. On several occasions George suggested Paul was long gone. On a random casual video a person recorded George and his Wife meeting up with “Paul”. Georges wife looked over and said oh Hi Billy and Billy said Hi back. Watch John McEnroe age. He was so ugly as a youngster which drove him to excel as a world champ tennis player and with that fame and personality he was able to meet great wives. But as he grew older he actually looked much better, as George did, Ringo, John. But the Cute Beatle Paul, got uglier and uglier and totally different looking starting in 1967 and is pathetic looking as a 40 year old till now. Logic folks, use your brain, connect dots. And the amoral to this story; Don’t take experimental shots






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February 21st 2023  

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