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Johnny and Joe time



Crematorium “Heating Centres” are being set up all over Europe and North America

At 66 degrees F, tens of millions will die over the winter. Most people will only afford to heat at 50 degrees F. Half the population will die, Before you eat your neighbour because you can’t afford food, can’t afford to get it, can’t find it, won’t eat crickets, you will burn your neighbour for heat. It is time to Kill the evil ones. Kill or be killed. Self defence It is the law Understanding 101 _________________ There is no fuel to heat because the WHO wants to save the Health of the World, not you. World Health Organization, not Human Health Organization. So we can burn our dead neighbour for heat at the heating centre. Soilent Green is the fuel. You think this is a joke. Did you see the cost of heating fuel. People will choose to save and think it is ok to keep room temperature at 60. This will cause so much death, disease, stress on medical and emergency that everything will break down and everyone will be on the verge of death. This is their plan. My plan is to kill their plan. Did you know that all of your utilities are guaranteed and if not paid the Govt will take care of it in someway so you don’t die. But not HEAT. There are no subsidies or guarantees for heat. The gas company has a right to kill you if the bill is unpaid. Only through a long process of proving your inability to pay through a court will you get heat. You will long be dead before you get your heat turned back on. This is their plan, it is no coincidence that fuel is the primary weapon of their siege. Many People on fixed or limited or low incomes all over are suffering so much for lack of enough money for food, fuel, healthcare that they want to be assisted with suicide, and this is wealthy Europe and North America, I can’t imagine elsewhere. All “Health Ministers” have told Courts that they do not consider (Care) what their policies do to people, just get Injected.






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July 24th 2022  

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