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Johnny and Joe time



The forced Injection of every human is under way…all foreigners must get a fake injection paper

Djokovic would never do that unlike Nadal and most other Tennis players who lie and cheat on a regular basis. Recall that not one Player said a word about Djokovic being singled out and removed from all Tennis events in North America, Australia. The US is a criminal monster that forces its way everywhere in the world. They were involved with Hitler and Mau directly including taking all Nazis in Paper Clip, Werner. Russia does not play along with their games and the only place to Flee the US corruption is Russia, Snowden, Asange… US removes governments like the Ukraine. Tate is being harassed in Romania by the US government because they don’t like his popularity or tone against their depopulation objectives. Speaking truth is the highest crime in he US and outside the US. Speaking truth about TRANNY GRETTA is a high crime in he US. US throws soldiers in battles to die, experiments on soldiers, injects them illegally, provide no medical or monetary support. Being Silent when you see such a crime against humanity is CRIME






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January 4th 2023  

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